Today's Video Update: Is Dennis Rodman Our Official Ambassador To North Korea? Maybe The White House Should Ask Him To Go To Syria; Crazier Things Have Been Known To Happen and It's Only Tuesday!

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 3rd of September.

Well, here we are in a brand new trading month and there is a lot going on. I think front and center we have to be concerned about Syria and what's going to happen. Speaker Boehner came out today and said he will support President Obama's action of limited engagement with Syria.

This attitude goes against three quarters of the American people who do not want to see any kind of intervention. Every poll I have seen indicates that most Americans do not want to be involved in Syria in anyway. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Is Dennis Rodman Our Official Ambassador To North Korea? Maybe The White House Should Ask Him To Go To Syria; Crazier Things Have Been Known To Happen and It's Only Tuesday!"

Today's Video Update: Syria, The End of Summer and What's Ahead

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 30th of August.

The U.K. Nixes Their Involvement In Syria, Should The U.S. Go It Alone?
When the vote was tallied last night in the British Parliament, the U.K. effectively dropped out of supplying any military support in Syria. This vote put the Obama administration in a very difficult spot, should the U.S. go it alone or backdown and lose face? Well, according to our poll, almost 77% of our readers voted that the U.S. should not get involved in Syria. So does the administration go against the will of the people? Only time will tell.

At the moment the world has backed Pres. Obama into a corner, if he doesn't do anything the U.S. is going to look weak and if he lob's in a few cruise missiles he is going to look pathetic at best. There is no win-win solution in either scenario. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Syria, The End of Summer and What's Ahead"

Today's Video Update: Countdown To Syria And Other Important Market Elements

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 28th of August.

Countdown To Syria
There's no doubt about it, yesterday's news that the US was going to have a military response to Syria spooked the markets and sent the indices to their biggest loss in some time. Today, the markets are digesting what they went through yesterday. Of course, there are winners and losers in any economy, and tools like MarketClub's Trade Triangles can help you know when to hold and when to fold. Yesterday, I shared with you a major sell signal in Walmart (NYSE:WMT), potentially because of higher oil prices that are on the way. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Countdown To Syria And Other Important Market Elements"

Today's Video Update: Syria Shakes The Market

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Tuesday, the 27th of August.

Syria Shakes The Market
Reading the news this morning, I see that we're going to strike Syria with cruise missiles and bombs as early as Thursday. How nice of us to announce what we are going to do in advance. No one knows what is going to happen when and if these events occur. All we can go on is the collective judgment of the market.

Bill Ackman Surrenders
Bill Ackman finally surrenders and shows how you can lose $500 million on a trade. In my humble opinion, activist investors should not be getting into old-style retail marketing stores like JC Penney (NYSE:JCP). Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Syria Shakes The Market"

Today's Video Update: Amgen moves into the big business of cancer drugs

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 26th of August.

The big news today is that Amgen (NASDAQ:AMGN) has agreed to buy Onyx Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ONXX) for $10.4 billion. Amgen, the world's biggest biotechnology company, was missing from one of the biggest and fastest growing markets, cancer drugs. With the acquisition of Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Amgen will gain access to the company's three anticancer treatments. I will be analyzing Amgen today using our Trade Triangle technology and will share with you the trading results for the year so far. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Amgen moves into the big business of cancer drugs"