Macro Economic Drivers with Bryn Talkington and Peter Boockvar

We are living in exciting times with crazy volatility. What strategies can you use to protect your portfolio and leverage these swings?

Melissa Francis sits down with Bryn Talkington, Managing Partner of Requisite Capital Management, and Peter Boockvar, CIO of Bleakley Advisory Group, to look at the market and discuss various strategies.

Talkington, Boockvar on Magnifi by TIFIN

Watch the Full Interview at Magnifi by TIFIN

Melissa Francis
Welcome back to Magnifi by TIFIN. Today, we're talking about what drives the economy in these volatile times and what are the best strategies to incorporate into your portfolio right now. Joining us is Peter Boockvar, CIO of Bleakley Advisory Group, and Bryn Talkington, managing partner at Requisite Capital Management.

Welcome to both of you. Boy, we just had a barn burner of an interview with Kyle Bass there. I'm looking through some of my favorite points here. I guess, Peter, maybe I want to start with you because I know that you have been way ahead of the game on gold. That has been a huge play for you as you pilot into your portfolio. Right now, we're seeing multi decade highs. Kyle said that he thinks that the dollar will continue to be the reserve currency of the world, forever, our lifetime. What do you think about that? Continue reading "Macro Economic Drivers with Bryn Talkington and Peter Boockvar"

Navigating Volatile Markets Via Dividend Investing - Part 1

Noah Kiedrowski - Contributor - Biotech


Dividend investing doesn't offer the most exciting means in which to invest these days when compared to stocks such as Netflix, Facebook or Amazon or sectors such as the biotechnology sector. Despite this lack of excitement, when considering the attributes this dividend space offers, such as decreased volatility, healthy yields, moderate risk exposure and a hedge against downside risk, it may be an ideal synergy for any long portfolio. This is especially true as the markets have been highly volatile due to weakness in China, an imminent fed rate hike and persistently low oil prices. Historically, companies that have an established track record of not only paying dividends but growing their dividends over the long-term have generally outperformed the their respective index with decreased volatility. I'll be utilizing The Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF (ticker symbol: VYM) as a proxy for a high-quality cohort of large-cap centric dividend paying stocks. This type of dividend portfolio may prove to be a meaningful piece of an overall growth retirement strategy while providing a reasonable level of income and mitigating risk. The allocation within VYM offers a broad dividend paying portfolio and access to all sectors throughout the large-cap space without sacrificing diversification and in turn can generate sustained long-term growth and income while navigating volatile markets.

High-Level Overview

• The dividend space offers many long attributes: decreased volatility, healthy yields, moderate risk and a hedge against downside market swings.

• Dividend investing often gives rise to share buybacks, rendering an effective way to drive shareholder value via returning capital by repurchasing stock.

• VYM has outperformed the S&P 500 in past two down markets in 2008 and 2011 by 4.9% and 8.4%, respectively.

• VYM has more than doubled its dividend payouts over the past 5 years.

Mitigating risk and volatility with a high-quality cohort of dividend paying stocks

VYM is composed of high yielding dividend-paying large-cap companies and weighted by market capitalization. This domestically focused dividend paying ETF provides access to some of the biggest names across many different sectors that provide a healthy dividend yield, equity appreciation, diversification and decreased volatility. Continue reading "Navigating Volatile Markets Via Dividend Investing - Part 1"

How Volatility Affects The Options and Binary Options Markets

Market volatility comes in two forms, implied volatility and historical volatility, both which can affect an investor’s ability to be successful in trading Binary Options. Implied volatility is similar to a financial security as it fluctuates with market sentiment and is an estimate of how much options trader perceives a financial security or index will move over a specific period of time on an annualized basis. Historical volatility is the actual past movement of a security and can be defined as the standard deviation of a time series, reflected in percentage format.

Implied volatility affects the price of a Binary Option, but it influences standard vanilla options much more than it effects Binary Options. Implied volatility changes as market sentiment changes. Generally as fear and trepidation increase, implied volatility increases, while increases in complacency are generally highly correlated to declines in implied volatility.  Continue reading "How Volatility Affects The Options and Binary Options Markets"

Last trading day of the year ... what do you think?

2011 turned out to be a volatile year for the markets and it looks like they are going to close pretty flat for the year.

We would like to know where you think the S&P500 is going to close at the end of January 2012.

Every Success,

The MarketClub Team

"Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash."

Continuing with our options theme this week we have brought in, J.W. Jones, the primary analyst and moderator of Today J.W is going to share with you his take on the recent silver market, and how volatility and options have presented him great opportunities in markets where traditional investors are running for the hills. Be sure to comment with your thoughts and visit J.W at Options Trading


Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.
– George S. Patton -

Last week silver was the focus of incredible price swings which left many licking their wounds and shaking their heads at the trading losses they had incurred. This sell off was likely triggered by the increase in margin requirements for futures contracts, but the stunning price decline extended to all vehicles like exchange traded funds use to trade the glimmering metal.

I recognized the potential opportunity early in the week, and began to look at various position structures using options on Tuesday morning. In order to understand the thinking behind this trade, it is necessary to understand the concept of implied volatility of an option contract. Implied volatility, together with time to expiration and price of the underlying security, form the three primal forces that rule the world of option pricing. This measure of volatility is best described as the collective opinion of traders as to the future volatility of the price of the underlying. Implied volatility is the variable which determines if options are priced cheap or overvalued. Continue reading ""Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.""