How I trade futures with MarketClub

In March, I asked members how they used MarketClub and among the responses was a strategy from Loic, a futures trader out of Marseille, France. Loic was already trading futures before MarketClub came along and had developed a portfolio using our parent site,, along with a technical strategy that he had already developed. A couple years ago, Loic decided to give MarketClub a try and has been a member ever since.

This Friday, you will have the opportunity to see for yourself how Loic uses MarketClub to trade markets such as coffee, cattle, Japanese yen, and soybeans, among many others, as well as ask questions about his strategy. At MarketClub we try to provide trading knowledge from as many viewpoints as possible, so even if you're not a futures trader, you may learn a new trick or two to add to your trading arsenal.

Space is limited so we encourage you to register and reserve a seat for this webinar today:

Click to register - Friday, April 30th at 4pm EDT / 8pm GMT, "MarketClub Member Strategies with Loic"


Susan Jackson
Director of MarketClub Education & MarketClub

Do You Need a Trading Coach?

Have you ever consulted a trading coach, and if so, what was your experience like? Long-time followers of the Trader's Blog are familiar with the educational content that we provide and often have questions about other ways to learn how to trade including, trading coaches.

Today, we're sharing a bit of commentary on the subject from's, Trader Ed. Read on to see what Trader Ed thinks about the subject and then leave a comment and share your insight or experience with us.


How do I choose a trading coach? Do you have any recommendations? How much should I be paying, and how well do they really work? Any other advice would be helpful.

Personally, I have never used a “trading coach.” Perhaps one could have helped me become a better trader, but I will never know … Continue reading "Do You Need a Trading Coach?"

What's Keeping You From Trading Success?

If trading were as easy as looking at a chart, checking a few indicators, executing a trade and raking in the profits, we would all be trading from our own private islands in the Caribbean, but sadly it's not.

The most important tools needed to be a lucrative trader go beyond a “foolproof” trading system or that tip from your neighbor; they have more to do with being prepared, having a plan, using money management techniques, knowing when to enter and more importantly, when to exit a trade. Without these tools you’re setting yourself up for failure.

During this week's webinar, Adam Hewison, president of, co-creator of MarketClub, and trading veteran with over 30 years of experience will share the tips and techniques he’s learned over the years to give you the foundation needed to be a well-rounded and successful trader.

Click here to register for the "Tools Ever Trader Needs to Succeed" Webinar on Friday, March 19th at 4pm EST

Also, if you haven't signed up for our MarketClub webinar notification email list, click here. Anyone on this list is eligible for our completely free one week trial (no credit card needed!).

Best wishes,

Susan Jackson
Director of MarketClub Education & MarketClub

Mastering MarketClub: Upcoming Webinars

Are you ready for a New Year of trading? Don't worry, MarketClub is here to help!

Next week we'll be back to the webinar grind to get everyone prepared for a profitable year of trading with our MarketClub "Tips and Tricks" presented by Jeremy Lutz.

We also have some great webinar topics lined up for January and an exciting new "Market Updates with Adam" series starting in February so check back on the Trader's Blog to find out more!

Click any of the links below to reserve your seat in one (or all!) of our upcoming webinar presentations:

January 8th - "Tips and Tricks" presented by Jeremy Lutz

January 15th - "Open Forum and FAQ" presented by Susan Jackson and Jeremy Lutz

January 22nd - "MarketClub's Forex Trading Strategy" presented by Adam Hewison

January 29th - "MarketClub's Scanning Tools" presented by Jeremy Lutz

We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

Susan Jackson
Webinar Administrator & MarketClub