"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
I'm sure you have heard that one before, right?

Okay, here at MarketClub I have my own version of that statement, and it goes like this.
"Give a man (or woman) a trade and he's a winner for a day. Teach a man (or woman) to trade with Trade Triangles and he (or she) is set for a lifetime of success."
I know that's a pretty big claim, but here is how I am going to prove it to you:
I have an app on my iPhone called iBillionaire and every once in a while this app shows you how the billionaire hedge fund managers are doing for the year. Most recently on September 13th, I noticed that even the billionaire hedge fund managers were having a hard time with the markets.
Looking at the top 10 billionaire hedge fund managers' performance, only four managed to be on the plus side for the year.
Here are the results of the top 5 billionaire hedge fund managers for 2015 ending on September 13th: Continue reading "MarketClub Trumps The Billionaire Hedge Fund Managers Again" →