Today's Video Update: The Golden Boy Does It Again

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Tuesday, the 28th of May.

The Trend, The Trend , The Trend
I've have talked about the power of market trends for quite some time, and how our Trade Triangle technology has nailed the current move in the stock market. Ask yourself this one question, would you stand in front of a speeding train that was heading right for you? Of course not, that is why it is important to never underestimate the power of trends. Trends tend to persist longer than most people expect. Currently the Trade Triangles have been in this bull market since the first quarter of 2009. I continue to keep a vigilant lookout for a reversal, but as of today that reversal has not been happened. I'll will be watching our trusted Trade Triangles very closely and reporting the first indication that trends are changing in the major indices. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: The Golden Boy Does It Again"

Electrifying Results With This One Stock

In today's short educational trading video, I'm going to show you how you could have made shockingly great returns using our Trade Triangle technology.

The approach is simple and I will share with you the step-by-step approach to every single trade. Once the video is over I think you'll be shocked to see how few trades there actually were and how easily the gains were achieved.

After you watch the video, you can make up your own mind whether this approach would be useful for your own trading or not.

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So what are you waiting for? Let's get started right away!

Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

POLL: Would You Buy A Car From Tesla Motors?

tes_aAccording to Tesla Motors founder Elon Musk, Tesla is on track to produce and sell 20,000 Tesla model S electric cars in 2013. Whether Tesla and Elon can achieve this goal remains to be seen. Elon Musk, like Steve Jobs, is the iconic face of Tesla and one should never think about selling him short. In addition to Tesla, Elon also founded SpaceX, a space exploration company, which has made some notable achievements in space exploration.

Today's question is would you buy a car from Tesla Motors?

Would you buy a Tesla ALL Electric car?

View Results

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Today's Video Newsletter: Slap on an Apple, and plug in a Tesla

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Thursday, the 21st of February.

In addition to the markets we normally report on, we will also be looking at the following markets using our Trade Triangle technology.

First filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office in August 2011 and just discovered today by, is Apple's patent for a “bi-stable spring with flexible display.” In other words, this could be the long-rumored iWatch. Here is what the patent states: With touch screen user input, a user can accomplish a number of different tasks including adjusting the order of a current playlist, and reviewing a list of recent phone calls. A response to a current text message can even be managed given a simple virtual keyboard configuration across the face of the flexible display. We will be looking at Apple (AAPL) today with our Trade Triangle technology to see if this new patent discovery moved the needle or if it makes sense technically to buy, sell, or take a rain-check on this stock. Continue reading "Today's Video Newsletter: Slap on an Apple, and plug in a Tesla"