The S&P 500 went south and we cashed in our chips

The S&P 500 went south and we cashed in our chips

Down  ChartFor some time now we have been concerned about the lack of upside momentum and the divergences that have been building in many key oscillators. We were also concerned that we'd reached a very important Fibonacci level which we pointed out in a recent video.

It never ceases to amaze me how these levels have worked both in the past and in the present. If you're serious about the markets, you must pay attention to these key levels as many professional traders do, and perhaps you will understand why.

In today's short video, we're looking at the S&P 500 and some of the downside targets we have scoped out using a very simple tool. We had a nice run on the upside based on our "Trade Triangle" technology and we are happy to cash in our chips and watch from the sidelines for the time being.

As always you can watch our videos without registration and there are no fees involved.

I hope you'll find the video informative and leave your comment below.

All the best,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub

Is the DOW getting ready to crater again?

Down ChartThe DOW has had a remarkable recovery from the lows that were seen in March of '09. The question now is, are we headed higher, or is the move over for now?

In this new short video, I will show you some important aspects that I think will warrant your attention. The video is three minutes long and was created on the last day of trading in April.

While we are not saying that the market is going to crater, it's in everyone's best interest to be aware of this one key level that we point out in the video.

As always you can watch our videos without registration and there are no fees involved.

Enjoy the video and take a moment to comment on this post.

All the best,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub

A possible red flag on the DOW and S&P500

We owe trillions of dollars, but Crude oil is at $86 a barrel, the DOW, S&P, and NASDAQ are making new highs almost everyday and unemployment is officially at 9.7%.

Everything is great! Happy days are here again... Right?

So are the DOW, S&P, and NASDAQ all going to keep going higher forever? Or are the teachings of a dead mathematician going to reverse this juggernaut of the market?

In my new video I show you exactly what I mean and how the these indices could be very close to a very important tipping point.

This is without a doubt, one of the most important videos I have ever made and if you are concerned about your financial future, you don't want to miss it.

As always, our videos are free to watch and there are no registration requirements. We welcome your thoughts and comments regarding this posting on our blog.

All the best,
Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub

Is The Third Quarter High In Place?

Joining us today is John Bougearel, author of the renowned book Riding the Storm Out. Enjoy as Jon states his case for why the third quarter high may already be in place. As always be sure to comment and let us know your thoughts.


The problem with being perpetually short is the need to be willing to be perpetually chased out of the market for an untold number of short-covering rallies. This strategy works well for nimble traders that have a great feel for market behavior. The reason I start this report off with the saying “if you’re not short already is that you will indeed risk missing the turn. We got a lot of ground to cover, here, so let’s start with the big picture on the weekly charts, then move right into the daily and intraday charts. Continue reading "Is The Third Quarter High In Place?"

Earnings and Market Behavior

Today a good friend of mine John Bougearel of Financial Futures Analysis will share with us his trend strategy during 2009 Earnings Season. Take a look, then let us know how earnings affect your trading.


The SP500 NFP +1 Day Model for April 3: In Advance of the Q1 09 Earnings Season Model

A longstanding behavioral finance model that I use considers the release of an important announcement plus one or two days. The flipside of this is model is the release of an important announcement minus a day or two. In this instance, we are considering is the NFP +1 day model. A second perhaps more important model to address is how the pricing of the SP 500 during the Q1 09 earnings season might or might not correlate to the pricing model Q4 08 earnings model. The two are interrelated and must be considered together.
Continue reading "Earnings and Market Behavior"