Hello traders everywhere, Adam Hewison here co-founder of MarketClub with your 1 p.m. market update for Monday the 22th of August.
Forget the news, if you want to trade successfully.
Many news stories, particularly when it comes to the markets, are basically fed to reporters by folks who have a vested interest in that particular market. I've seen this happen time and time again, when information is given to an online anchor or someone else who is on air and reading the latest news. The information that they report, may be not accurate. In the competitive rush to get news online, and be the 1st to break a story, very few stories are ever checked and triple checked.
So we wake up this morning with the potential conflict in Libya over, and Libya's Colonel Qaddafi's 42-year reign of insanity has maybe come to an end. Based on that news, the Dow rallies up over 200 points. Let's see, that little conflict cost the US about 1 trillion dollars, money we don't have. How could that be good for the market? Now we are tying the news in Libya to the markets here and the terrible economic conditions that exist - it is a stretch by anyone's imagination. The truth is, that the markets probably rallied based on a short covering. Many active traders went home with short positions over the weekend. When the markets did not follow through to the downside they quickly covered their short positions and pushed the market higher.
So here's my advice, do not pay too much attention to the news. Let the market, and the price action give you all the direction you need. Market action is the # 1 item to watch to be a successful trader.
Now, let's go to the 6 major markets we track every day and see how we can create and maintain your wealth in 2011. Continue reading "Forget The News If You Want To Trade Successfully!" →