Optimizing the ABC Charting Formation

As a special treat to Trader’s Blog readers, Ron Ianieri is offering you an in-depth look at how to optimize the ABC charting formation.

The ABC Charting Formation is one of the most basic and frequently occurring charting patterns that exist. Watch how this basic chart can be turned into a big payday with the use of options. Follow along as we use options to safely and easily follow the ABC's charting patterns twists and bends. We start out with the most basic and most easily understood strategy, roll it, morph it and finally close it. Suddenly, this simple charting pattern, traded with the simplest option strategy, becomes a sophisticated looking trading strategy that is incredibly simple to use, fully hedged at all times, and very profitable!

The concept of synthetics has always been fundamentally important to understanding options. Synthetics show us the mathematical relationship that exists between the stock, a call, and its corresponding put. This mathematical relationship not only relates the price of these instruments in relation to each other, but also shows how a call can be changed into a put, or a put can be changed into a call by simply adding the stock into the equation. Understanding synthetics allows investors the ability to morph positions from the wrong position to the right position quickly and efficiently. Understanding synthetics also allow investors to take advantage of the put/call skew we frequently see in the options market today.

Watch it now: Optimizing the ABC Charting Formation

The INOTV Team

The Art of Morphing

Every position is the right position when things go exactly as planned. Unfortunately, things do not often go exactly as planned in the market. When all goes right, it is easy to make money but when things go wrong losses follow.

So, when things start to go wrong, what can you do? How can you get out of your bad position that is losing money and into the right position quickly and efficiently and get back to making money?

The answer is morphing! Morphing is the process in which the wrong position is quickly and efficiently changed to the right position by simply adding to or subtracting from the current position based on an understanding of synthetic positions. Morphing is how the professional floor traders manage their positions to adjust to movements in stock price, time, and volatility.

Watch Now: The Art of Morphing

Every Success,
The INOTV Team

Options - Learn The Greeks

As a special treat to Trader’s Blog readers, Ron Ianieri is offering you an in-depth look into the Greeks and Options Trading.

No matter what the investment, an investor needs to know and fully understand the potential risks of the investment prior to committing capital to that investment.

In the options market, the Greeks define and quantify the risks of your position before you commit to the investment. Understanding the Greeks is a must for proper risk management. Further, the Greeks can also help you identify and select not only the proper strategy to fit the opportunity you selected, but also which specific options to use to create that specific strategy.

WATCH NOW: Options - Learn The Greeks

The MarketClub Team

Options - Learn The Greeks

We had such positive feedback with the options short lesson series that we're running this week, so we decided to search for a related seminar...and we found one! Expert Ron Ianieri has decided to share his seminar, Options - Learn The Greeks, for FREE as a special tread to MarketClub and INO.com users. You do not want to miss this educational seminar about risk and investment.

No matter what the investment, an investor needs to know and fully understand the potential risks of the investment prior to committing capital to that investment.

Discover what has aided this trader’s success for years…

-The MarketClub Team

Volatility- The Essence of Stock Options

Last week Ron Ianieri from OptionUniversity.com came and gave us a great lesson on the misinformed traders out there and how options are a great tool (re-read it here), and today I asked him to teach us a bit about volatility and options! If you've not yet checked out Ron's new online video do it today before it's pulled.


The key to having a trade is that you, being the buyer, and me being the seller, have different volatility assumptions.  What I think volatility is going to be versus what you think volatility is going to be makes the difference.  Everything else we’re in total agreement with because those outputs are “hard numbers” processed by the Options Pricing Model. Current prices, selected strike price, days to expiration, interest rate and dividends are what they are. Just looking at the pricing model output based on these factors is the same for both buyer and seller. But what makes a trade is really the factor of perceived volatility. So, when we talk about volatility we are really talking about the essence of an option trade.

Continue reading "Volatility- The Essence of Stock Options"