Buffett's "Dirty" Little Secret

Warren Buffett is always a hot topic and today I've asked Greg Roy, who has a unique opinion on Buffet's strategies, to share what he calls "Buffett's dirty little secret". Whether you agree or disagree,  Greg will certainly leave you with something to think about. Whatever your stance, we encourage you to comment below and dig deeper into Greg's reasoning with his latest report.


They’re missing the point.

Nine out of ten “gurus” who tell you to “invest like Buffett” preach that you should “buy great companies at a discount.”

And yes, on the face, that’s “what Buffett does” – but completely overlooks the real secret to Buffett’s investing genius.

I’ll be the first to admit I’m no “Buffophile” – some of the blind adoration heaped on him in some quarters I find not only distasteful but propagates dangerous attitudes about investing and trading. But I do think he’s as close to a genius as any investor in recent history.

Because Buffett is playing a completely different game than everyone else.

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Are You One of "Them", Too? Options Focused Post

I've had the pleasure of meeting and enjoying a beer with Ron Ianieri from OptionUniversity.com. For those of you who've had the opportunity of learning options from him, you know what I mean when I say he's awesome! He's experience, poised, and his knowledge from REAL LIFE trading is outstanding.

Well Ron (the linebacker looking guy to the right --->) has written this article for us today talking about "them", and I think you'll like it!

Please enjoy the article below, comment with your thoughts, and check out Ron's new online video!


Are you one of the “misinformed? Are you losing the tremendous opportunities that using stock options can offer? No, options are not one of the more risky investments. “Oh, yea” you say sarcastically. “That’s why my broker looks down at the floor as he hands me a risk disclaimer statement  which warns the reckless investor about the dangers of trading stock options”, you say. Well, I say to you, dear reader that most investors don’t want to take the time to learn about options-one of the most versatile in-vestment tools available. Too many investors go into trading stock options without adequate education and take the fall. They blame it on the vehicle….not the driver. Like anything, lack of knoweledge can cause problems and that holds in spades for options.

Consider the fact that the risk of purchasing an option is limited to the premium paid. Owning stocks, however, usually have a much larger ex-posure to risk.

Continue reading "Are You One of "Them", Too? Options Focused Post"

Which options to pre-select: OTM, ITM, or ATM?

Today I'd like everyone to welcome AJ Brown from TradingTrainerHomeStudy.com. He's an options expert and his article below is a very valuable one that everyone should read! Please don't be shy and post your thoughts and opinions which options YOU prefer!


When trading options using short to medium term strategies, we're not looking to hold positions for a year, six months, or even three months. The idea is to enter and exit our trades within three to 40 days. Returns of 5% to 150% per trade are common with short to medium term strategies.

When I surveyed participants about putting together a short to medium term option trad-ing strategy, the number one question I received was which options to preselect: out-of-the-money (OTM), in-the-money (ITM), or at-the-money (ATM).

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How To Buy A Stock For A 15-20% Discount

Let's face it, we're ALL looking for discounts. I don't care if you're rich, poor, hurt by the economy, or not...everyone loves a discount. And since this is a site that focuses on trading/investing, what better then to learn about how to get a discount for a stock! To help us learn the art of the discount, I've asked Phil Davis from PhilStockWorld.com to come and enlighten us. Enjoy the article and tell us where you've found great discounts!


If this market hasn’t convinced you that buy and hold is a gamble - I don’t know what will.

Holding any stock for more than a day has been a sure recipe for heartache (sometimes just an hour will do it) but it’s possible to regularly get much better prices than the ones paid by the average retail investor using a very basic option strategy. This strategy, which we call a "buy/write" – buying the stock and writing options against it - is one of our most effective tools for dealing with a choppy market.

There are, of course, many, many stocks trading near multi-year lows and it’s still important to select ones that have strong underlying fundamentals that we actually don’t mind holding long-term but, as long as you’re willing to own 200 shares of a stock, this system can reliably give you a 10-20% discount off the current market price.  It’s simple, easy to follow and is ideal for trading in a volatile market.

Continue reading "How To Buy A Stock For A 15-20% Discount"

Triple Witching and Option Trading

Today's guest blogger is Dan Passarelli the founder of Market Taker Mentoring and the author of the book Trading Option Greeks.


Like the ’60s icon Donovan once declared, “Must be the season of the witch.” In option trading, the season of the witch comes four times a year, and it is almost upon us. The term “triple witching” was originally used to describe the day that index options, equity options and index futures all commenced trading in their expiring contracts. Though some of the major index options now stop trading on the Thursday before expiration, the third Friday of the month ending each quarter is still a day of note for option traders.

The “witchiness” of this day stems from the fact that option volume and the volume of the underlying stocks tend to be higher on that day, which sometimes leads to unexpected, magnified price swings. This could mean more risk.

But this witch needn’t necessarily be feared, shunned or burned at the stake. While this anomaly makes many traders and investors a bit nervous, a solid understanding of the phenomenon can make you a better, more successful trader.

A lot of traders, especially professionals who have been in the game a long time, like to go into expiration “flat the strike.” That means they generally like to close out the at- and near-the-money options about to go off the board. If a trader is long near-the-money options, he’ll sell them to get to zero contracts. If a trader is short near-the-moneys, he’ll buy them. Getting rid of expiring long options avoids the higher risk of accelerated theta that comes with expiration. Closing out short options avoids pin risk, or the risk of not knowing whether or how many options will be assigned.

All this option trading can be accompanied by greater volume in the underlying stock as professional (i.e., delta neutral) traders also close out their hedges by buying or selling stock. Depending on which way the liquidity providers were positioned in the options (long or short, calls or puts), this spike in stock volume may cause upward or downward pressure.

Understanding triple witching and being prepared for its implications should be part of traders’ strategy going into the quarterly expiration. Simply appreciating the fact that the underlying security can have these moves and knowing why gives traders the opportunity to adjust their trading plan for that day to factor in a potential “surprise” move.


Passarelli started his trading career on the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) as an equity options market maker. He also traded agricultural options and futures on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). In 2005, Passarelli joined CBOE Options Institute and began teaching both basic and advanced trading concepts. Be sure to visit Dan's Blog Trading Option Greeks and site Market Taker Mentoring