Poll: Speculation to blame?

This week Obama proposed new measures to limit speculation in the oil markets. The new proposals would require oil traders to put up more of their own money for transactions, ask for more money for market enforcement and monitoring activities, and call for higher penalties for market manipulation. The impact that speculation, or investment money, is having on oil prices is a subject of much debate. So we wanted to ask.....

Do you think speculation is to blame for high oil prices?

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As always we would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.

Every Success,

The INO Team

Special Weekend Update: Greece is getting market down!!

Hello fellow traders everywhere. Adam Hewison here co-founder of MarketClub with your weekend update for the trading week ending on 9/09/2011.

What comes after Greece? The simple answer is disaster!

It seems inevitable that Greece is going to default, and who can blame them? The Germans don't want to put any more money into this disaster and now they are circling the wagons to protect their  own banks.

If the politicians knew anything about trading, they would have cut their losses on Greece a long time ago. We have ranted  about this dysfunctional country in the past. Greece cannot be considered in the same league, as powerhouse countries like Germany or France. Both those countries actually have economies that work for the most part. Greece on the other hand, is all about the Acropolis, ouzo and other Greek wonders from the past. There is nothing in the future for this country except to default and start all over again. Sooner or later the truth will come out, and the politicians will not be able to kick the can down the road any longer.

Let's go take a look at the markets and see how we can preserve and protect and grow your wealth in 2011. Continue reading "Special Weekend Update: Greece is getting market down!!"

POLL: Will Obama's Job Plan Pass?

Economists have given mostly positive reviews to Obama's job plan Friday, with some estimates that at least 1 million jobs could be added in the next year if Congress passes the package. The question is....

Will Congress pass Obama's Job Plan?

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As always, we would love to hear your thoughts on the proposed job plan . Be sure to share in our comments section!

Every Success,

The MarketClub Team

The Markets Voted: No Confidence In Obama

Hello traders everywhere, Adam Hewison here co-founder of MarketClub with your 1 p.m. market update for Friday the 9th of September

It would appear that President Obama's speech last night was not well received looking at the financial markets this morning.

Readers of this report know that we rely on our Trade Triangle technology for trends, and not what a government official has to say and this includes the president of the United States.

I learned over the years that the markets generally tell you what they're going to do. Price action alone is the greatest truth you can see in the marketplace. Price action is what determines trends, price action is what determines traders actions.

Many newbie traders think there must be some mystical power that drives the markets. The truth is, the market is driven by people who believe prices are you going to go higher or go lower. It is that simple, however, most investors tend to over think the market.

Now I understand that there are folks out there that would disagree with that statement and say that the fundamentals, i.e. supply and demand, earnings etc. etc. is what drives the markets. Yes, there is a certain truth to that, but the other part of the equation is the psychology of the market. Market sentiment or psyche can really play havoc on the fundamentals and that is why price action alone is the best market analyst in the world.

As we go into this weekend with the 10th anniversary of 9/11 looming over everyone's head It's important to look at how the markets are closing for the week.

We consider how a market closes for the week to be very important. Did the market make or lose ground for the week? Which way is the monthly Trade Triangles? Did the market close in the direction of the major trend? All of these thoughts are reflected for the most part in the weekly closing price of any market. That's why we concentrate and bring to you our weekend updates, which allows you to see the big picture and not the minutia of every tick.

Now, let's go to the 6 major markets we track every day and see how we can create and maintain your wealth in 2011. Continue reading "The Markets Voted: No Confidence In Obama"

President Obama's Job Is On The Line

Hello traders everywhere, Adam Hewison here co-founder of MarketClub with your 1 p.m. market update for Thursday the 8th of September.

It's showtime.

Tonight at 7 PM (EST), all eyes will be focused on President Obama and his speech on creating new jobs in America. This is probably one of the most important speeches he will ever give and could mean the difference between keeping or losing his job in November.

So what will this mean to the markets?

So far, President Obama's words have not helped the markets in the past. It remains to be seen what is going to happen to gold, the equity and futures markets after the president's speech.

We will get an early indication as to how the markets interpret President Obama's make or break speech during after hours trading and in the futures markets.

As always, we will rely on our Trade Triangle technology.

Now, let's go to the 6 major markets we track every day and see how we can create and maintain your wealth in 2011. Continue reading "President Obama's Job Is On The Line"