U.S. unemployment aid applications rise

The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits increased just 4,000 last week to a seasonally adjusted 352,000. The slight gain kept applications at a level consistent with solid hiring and suggests March's sluggish hiring may be temporary.

The Labor Department report released Thursday also noted that the four-week average, a less volatile measure, rose to 361,250.

Applications are a proxy for layoffs. They jumped three weeks ago to a four-month high, but then plummeted the following week. The sharp fluctuations reflected volatility around the Easter holiday, department officials said. Overall, applications have declined slightly since January.

Job growth slowed sharply in March. Employers added only 88,000 jobs last month, much lower than the average monthly gain of 220,000 from November through February. Continue reading "U.S. unemployment aid applications rise"

U.S. adds 236K jobs, unemployment falls to 7.7 pct.

A burst of hiring in February added 236,000 U.S. jobs and reduced the unemployment rate to 7.7 percent from 7.9 percent in January. The strong job growth showed that employers are confident about the economy despite higher taxes and government spending cuts.

The February jobs report issued Friday provided encouraging details: The unemployment rate is at its lowest level in four years. Job growth has averaged more than 200,000 a month since November. Wages rose. And the job gains were broad-based, led by the most construction hiring in six years.

The unemployment rate had been stuck at 7.8 percent or above since September. About half the decline in February occurred because more of the unemployed found jobs. A decline in the number of people looking for work accounted for the other half: People who aren't looking for jobs aren't counted as unemployed. Continue reading "U.S. adds 236K jobs, unemployment falls to 7.7 pct."

Unemployment rate falls to 8.3%

The unemployment rate fell for the fifth straight month after a surge of January hiring. Is this a promising shift in the outlook for job growth?

Is This Unemployment Rate Decline For Real?

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Kicking The Can Down The Road

Hello traders everywhere!  Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your market update for Monday, the 11th of July.

Last week, the standout story was the disastrous jobs report.  As this week unfolds, we are faced with more problems such as the debt ceiling and the total lack of cooperation between the Democrats and the Republicans.  It seems as though both parties are firmly entrenched in their own party lines and are failing to see just what it's doing to the country.

We have talked about this before, and the fact that the politicians both in Europe and here in the United States really don't want to face the truth has created the current mess over the last 20-30 years. It is always same old story of "kick the can down the road" and let somebody else take care of it.

Well, it's showtime or should I say it's a showdown now!  We need to get serious about getting this right in this country.  I believe that we got into this together and now we should get out of it together.

Now let's see how we can protect and make your money grow. Continue reading "Kicking The Can Down The Road"

No "Plan B"

Hello, traders everywhere. Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub, with your market update for Friday the 8th of July.

It was a shocker. We only created 18,000 jobs and unemployment jumped up to 9.2% - how can we say things are getting better when here we are basically two years after the low in the equity markets with unemployment still stubbornly stuck over 9% and probably going back over 10%.

Folks, there is no "Plan B". For the past two years, this administration has declared warfare on business, particularly small businesses - the folks who actually create jobs in this country!

It is amazing to me that they could be so blinded with their political philosophy that they have actually forgotten that there are real people out of work that need jobs.  Small businesses - the very people who create 70% of all jobs in America, are being punished as the current administration wants to tax them more. How stupid can things get. Oh, they can get pretty stupid.

As I mentioned yesterday in my 1 p.m. update, I felt that the S&P was in thin air and also as cyclic high. I think we could be seeing the start of a 15 to 20 day correction. We also recommended taking some money off the table in our crude oil trade which also went very well.

As mentioned earlier I'm doing this report a little bit earlier as I feel today could be an important turning point in the markets.

Now let's see how we can protect and make your money grow. Click here to watch the video. Continue reading "No "Plan B""