Ride For The Rivers - INO Cares

INO's Office LocationWe are so lucky to work in such a beautiful location. One side of our office building overlooks a thriving marina with fisherman constantly going in and out of port, while the other side of our building has the most beautiful view of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Seeing river otters, blue heron and bald eagles are not a rare occurrence here.

Our building also houses the office of the West/Rhode Riverkeeper. This non-profit organization is a licensed member of Waterkeeper Alliance, an international movement of on-the-water advocates who patrol and protect 100,000 miles of rivers, streams and coastlines in North and South America, Australia, Europe, Asia and Africa. The Riverkeeper’s goal is to enforce environmental law, promote restoration and to advocate for better environmental policies.

Our beautiful office view would not be as beautiful without the hard work of organizations like the West/Rhode Riverkeeper!

For our May INO Cares campaign, INO.com sponsored a riding team for the West/Rhode Riverkeeper’s first annual “Ride For The Rivers” on May 10th, 2014. Proceeds for this event went to help the West/Rhode Riverkeeper in its efforts to keep the local waterways fishable, swimmable and clean.

This awesome event took riders through the rolling countryside of two of Maryland’s southern counties and followed up with a post ride party!

Adam Hewison, INO.com CEO and President, is an avid biker, so this event was extra special for him. He got out there for the 60-miler and had an absolute blast! Our sponsored INO riding team consistent of 25 riders from the Annapolis area. We hope they all had a blast and will continue to support this awesome cause year after year!

Enjoy the photo slideshow of the “Ride For The Rivers”!

Lending A Helping Hand - INO Cares Follow Up

INO.com Staff - Rebuilding TogetherMother of three and Jamaican immigrant, Ms. Angie, had recently run into some hard times. After being laid-off, home repairs were stacking up and money, ability and a poorly run condo association were all fighting against her. Ms. Angie reached out to Rebuilding Together and asked for a little help to fix a leaky basement, repair below par windows, correct previous repair mistakes and to give her home a little bit of love to make it a residence that she and her children could be proud of.

A few INO.com staff members met up with the Rebuilding Together crew on a sunny day in Severn, Maryland to lend a helping hand. We went to work with some staff of RBC Wealth Management and with dedicated members of Building Together of Anne Arundel County's executive board, on various repair project around Ms. Angie's home and were blessed to spend a Saturday making someone's life a little better.

Please enjoy Rebuilding Together's slideshow of the home improvements that were made that day for Ms. Angie. Learn more about Rebuilding Together from our previous blog post and how you can find a project in your community.

You can also friend our Facebook page and see a ton of photos from the day of INO.com employees getting their hands dirty!

Lending A Helping Hand - INO Cares

Rebuilding Together Sidebar 2Did you know that April is National Volunteer Month? It’s a time to honor those that give their time to worthy causes and also a time to get out there and pay-it-forward! It’s easy to donate cold hard cash, but we wanted to give more than just that.

For our April INO Cares campaign, we thought it was time to get our hands dirty... really dirty! We’ve teamed up with Rebuilding Together of Anne Arundel County to sponsor the repair of a home for a low-income resident in need.

Rebuilding Together of Anne Arundel County (RTAAC) is one of 200 nationwide affiliates under Rebuilding Together, formerly known as Christmas in April. With the support of corporate sponsorships, grants and donations of individuals, churches and volunteer organizations, RTAAC has renovated over 520 homes and has put back over $10M in repair value. April 26th is RTAAC’s “Blitz Day,” where volunteers will repair multiple homes in a our area.

INO.com is proud to be a house sponsor! We will be providing a monetary donation, as well as a handful of employee volunteers to help rebuild a home! We are so excited to help this wonderful organization and a neighbor in need.

Please check back with us the first full week of May for pictures and stories from our day of volunteering! Learn more about RTAAC and Rebuilding Together.

INO is sharing a little extra love this Valentine's Day - SCAN Donation

Over 49 million Americans live in food insecure households (1). Some of these people go without, while some look to government or private run programs to gather food assistance.

The South County Assistance Network (SCAN) in Lothian, Maryland, is an organization of individuals from the faith and business community who work together to provide assistance to those in need. Among their services, SCAN provides a food bank for county residents. INO.com has pleasure to work in a rural area far outside of the city limits. While this seems like an odd place to conduct business, we are blessed to be surrounded by a small, tight-knit community.

Valentine’s Day is a perfect time for us to give a little love back to those in need in our local area. INO.com co-owners, Adam Hewison and David Maher, took a field-trip to the store to purchase some food bank staples and met with a few staff members at SCAN to drop off the goods.

Donating to a food bank is such a small gesture, but one that could greatly help your neighbors. If you are fortunate enough to be able to donate, here is a handy tool to help you find a local food bank.

Share a little extra love of your own this Valentine's Day!

The INO.com & MarketClub Team

(1) http://feedingamerica.org/hunger-in-america/hunger-facts/hunger-and-poverty-statistics.aspx

When Did Financial Wellness Matter To You?

As you might expect, the older people get, generally the more money they have saved. According to Fidelity Investments, by age 35, you should have saved an amount equal to your annual salary. By age 45, you should have saved three times your annual salary. At age 55, you should have five times your salary and when you retire at age 67, you should have eight times your annual pay (1).

While these guidelines don't guarantee any future financial wellness, it is sometimes helpful to have a savings goal for your future financial well-being.

As daunting as those guidelines may sound, we were wondering...

At what age did you first start considering your own financial wellness?

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Accumulating financial wealth can be an overwhelming concept for someone just starting out. Do you have any words of wisdom or lessons you have learned that have made a difference in your own financial situation?

We'd love to read your thoughts and comments.


The INO.com Team

(1)Kadlec, Dan. "What You Should Save By 35, 45, and 55 To Be On Target." Time Business & Money. TIME.com. September 12, 2012. http://business.time.com/2012/09/21/what-you-should-save-by-35-45-and-55-to-be-on-target/