Are you fighting the market, or moving with the market?

How to become a MarketClub STAR!

Hello fellow traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 20th of January.

Has the Euro bottomed out?
We look at what our Trade Triangles are now saying about the Euro.

We put these three stocks under the microscope today:
GOOGLE (GOOG), MICROSOFT (MSFT), and Continue reading "Are you fighting the market, or moving with the market?"

Banks rally, while gold sinks...are happy days here again?

Hello fellow traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Thursday, the 19th of January.

How to become a MarketClub STAR!

Have the banks reversed?
How MarketClub's Trade Triangles got the moves right in this sector.

Is Gold losing its shine?

We look at how our Trade Triangles are performing in gold.

3 Stocks on the move.
F5 NETWORKS (FFIV), ROCKWELL COLLINS (COL), and Continue reading "Banks rally, while gold sinks...are happy days here again?"

Head YAHOO out, and APPLE does it again!

Hello fellow traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 18th of January.

APPLE (AAPL) … we've taken a lot of bites out of this stock.
How MarketClub's Trade Triangles locked onto Apple at $103.60!!

Head YAHOO outwhat does this mean for YAHOO (YHOO) shareholders?
See how our Trade Triangles analyze this stock.

3 Stocks Moving Today Continue reading "Head YAHOO out, and APPLE does it again!"

Carnival Sinks, and Citi and Wells Fargo live in two different worlds

Hello fellow traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Tuesday, the 17th of January.

Citi and Wells Fargo... a tale of two banks.
How MarketClub's Trade Triangles locked and loaded on these two stocks.
Citi (C): Profit down 11% . Wells Fargo (WFC): Income up 20%.

Carnival Corp sinks.
Carnival Corp. (CCL), RR Donnelley and Sons Co. (RRD), and Continue reading "Carnival Sinks, and Citi and Wells Fargo live in two different worlds"

Caution warranted in the markets as we go into a long weekend

Hello fellow traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Friday the 13th of January.

The FED vs Trade Triangles
How the FED missed the housing bust and the Trade Triangles got it right.

3 STOCKS ...
ALPHA NATURAL RESOURCES (ANR), CONSOLIDATED ENERGY INC (CNX) and Continue reading "Caution warranted in the markets as we go into a long weekend"