The return of the Greek drachma ... it's coming

The reality is, the world is in a whole mess of debt and it's all coming due at the same time.

Make no mistake about it, the situation in Europe is dire. The problems with Greece are well known. The problems in Spain are growing, and the problems in Ireland and Portugal are about to rear their ugly heads.

I'm not going to rhapsodize about the problems in Europe, they are well known and are manifesting themselves in the price action of the world markets, however, in this short video on the euro I want to show you how monthly charts and our "Trade Triangles" tell the story and show the trend very clearly. I also show you a simple method that you can use in your everyday trading to estimate how far a move can go. Continue reading "The return of the Greek drachma ... it's coming"

Will the euro bailout work?

Early Monday morning, European officials approved an enormous rescue package aimed at stabilizing its debt crisis, but is this a fix that will last, or only a temporary band-aid on a much larger problem? Vote below and leave your thoughts in our comments section.