278 ETFs To Grow And Protect Your Capital

Hello traders and MarketClub members everywhere! ETFs can be a way to hedge yourself or even take advantage of some of the big moves that are happening in the currency and commodity markets. And, to make them a little easier to find, I've gathered "278 ETFs To Grow And Protect Your Capital."

You may know this already, but ETFs are available for practically every market, whether it's energy, precious metals, equities, bonds, currencies, sectors, you name it and there's probably an ETF out there to serve your purpose.

I gathered this list of ETFs as a quick and easy way for you to find the ETFs that relate to the sector you may want to look into to trade or use protect your investments should the market begin to head south.

Download "278 ETFs To Grow And Protect Your Capital" Here.

Now remember, new ETFs are coming online all the time so not every ETF is on this list. But, the ones I have compiled for you are some of the most popular and biggest ETFs in the world.

In today's video, I will be looking at the general market after the mid-term elections. I will also be looking at some hot stocks and the collapse in both the crude oil (NYMEX.CL.Z14.E) and gold (FOREX:XAUUSDO) markets.

Don't forget to download your free PDF, "278 ETFs To Grow And Protect Your Capital."

Let us know what you think of this guide, you can leave a comment below this post or on our blog.

Every success with MarketClub,
Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-Creator, MarketClub

Japan Shocks The Market With A Halloween Treat

Overnight actions by the Bank of Japan jump-started the equity markets to seven-year highs in that country, plunging the Japanese yen to its lowest levels since 2008.

The Bank of Japan's big market-moving announcement was that they will triple purchases of exchange-traded funds and real-estate investment trusts. This was clearly a big surprise to all the markets and it sent a big message to the currency markets. This will affect all the other Asian countries as they too will be forced to compete against a cheaper Japanese Yen. Can you say that the currency wars are just starting?

The move by The Bank of Japan (BOJ) was all that was needed to send gold and crude oil prices crashing to the downside.

In today's video, I'll be looking at the U.S. Dollar VS the Japanese Yen (FOREX:USDJPY), gold (FOREX:XAUUSDO) prices, which gave a major sell signal today and crude oil (NYMEX:CL.Z14.E) prices, as they continue their downward spiral.

I'll also be following up on some of the stock picks that I talked about earlier this week:
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)
Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE:BABA)
Facebook Inc. (NASDSAQ:FB)
Allergan Inc. (NYSE:AGN)

I'll also be looking for some stocks to trade over the weekend with "The 52-Week New Highs on Friday" trading rules.

As always, I welcome your comments and feedback. Please feel free to leave a comment or question below this post.

And don't forget follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Have a great weekend everyone,
Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-Creator, MarketClub

What's More Volatile, Stocks Or Commodities?

If you said stocks, you'd be right. There's a big misconception that commodities or futures are more volatile and risky than stocks. The truth is, what makes commodities or futures appear risky is the leverage factor. You only have to margin up a small amount of capital, usually less than 5%, to control a large amount of capital. What that means is when the market moves even a small amount, you get a bigger return, or in some cases a bigger loss, on your money because of leverage. If you put up the whole value of a commodities or futures contract, you effectively de-leverage your investment and at the same time lower your risk and return.

For example, say you want to buy 100 ounces of gold. At the current price, you would have to pay $123,500 and you would own the gold. Instead, you could buy 1 futures contract of gold worth $123,500 and only margin up $4,400. Now let's say we have a $10 move in gold. On 100 ounces that would be worth $1000. As you can quickly see, the return on $4,400 is a heck of a lot higher than the return on $123,500 if you owned the gold outright. Which would you rather have, close to a 25% return on your margin on 1 futures contract, or have a $123,500 tied up in physical gold and see a return of less than 1%?

That, my friends, is why commodities or futures are interesting and can be very profitable when you approach the market with discipline. Naturally, leverage slices both ways and you could lose just as fast as you make money. The key here is to be diversified like our World Cup Portfolio.

Here's the 6 individual markets of the World Cup Portfolio shown quarter by quarter. As you can see, not every market made money every quarter, but combined every quarter was profitable. This underscores the power of diversification and disciplined trading. Continue reading "What's More Volatile, Stocks Or Commodities?"

2 Stocks To Buy Today

Good day traders and MarketClub members everywhere! I have found two stocks that I believe are going to move higher in the near future and I will be discussing those stocks with you today.

I'm also going to be looking at the general market and analyzing how much further this rally can go in the major indices. Also included in today's video is a look at gold (FOREX:XAUUSDO). How much further can it go on the upside? Has crude oil (NYMEX:CL.Z14.E) finally found a bottom? Lastly, a quick peek at the US Dollar Index (NYBOT:DX) and why it took a breather.

You are going to have to watch the video to find out which two stocks I really like. I think you'll find the stories behind them very compelling as one of these particular stocks takes up almost 40% of a well-known hedge fund's portfolio.

Don't miss today's video!

Every success with MarketClub,
Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-Creator, MarketClub

Will The Rally End?

Will Friday's rally continue or was it just a "dead cat bounce"? There is no doubt about it, we have been seeing lots of volatility in the markets. Is it likely to continue? Like in the past, it will continue until it stops and the market settles down. Nobody can give you an exact timeline when that's going to happen, but it will happen. In the meantime, having a solid game plan, one that you know has been successful in the past, will lead you to successful trades.

You've heard me say this before, the market can only move three ways, it can go up, down and sideways, that's it! When you boil it down to those simple terms, it is easy to see how investors can create many of their own problems by over-thinking a situation. You may have been guilty of this yourself at some point in time, I know I have. It is so easy to get caught up with the hubris of the market and lose sight of your investment goals. It's also easy to fall into the trap of listening to too many talking heads. Oftentimes when this happens, it leads to confusion and will leave you in a state of paralysis. Continue reading "Will The Rally End?"