One Day Does Not Make A Trend

It's hard to believe that we just have one more trading day in January, which has been an extraordinarily volatile month and one that will certainly go down in the history books.

Many of the well-known large stocks are now in downtrends and are not likely to have major turnarounds anytime soon. One has to remember that the stock market looks six months ahead. While many of the companies are perhaps enjoying some good earnings, this may be the last good earnings season we see for some time to come.

On a brighter note, my trade in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) turned out well and it would now look as though Apple is going to be on the defensive for several months. I can see this stock continuing to erode down to perhaps the $80 level.

Let's look at some other well-known stocks that are all in major downtrends at the moment. Continue reading "One Day Does Not Make A Trend"

Green Light Ahead For This Automaker

Daniel Cross - Contributor - Equities

The global economy is sending mixed signals to investors right now. The data we've seen so far this year hasn't really let us know what direction the economy is headed – oil is still lingering at less than $50 per barrel while the U.S dollar continues to reign supreme relative to foreign currencies.

In the auto industry though, there doesn't seem to be any doubt about its direction.

After coming out of the financial crisis with less than 10 million new auto sales in the U.S., March's latest data puts total annual sales at 17.05 million for 2015 – up from 16.16 million in February and higher than the 16.9 million analysts predicted. The IHS estimates that total sales for the North American market will grow by 2.5% to 20 million units. Continue reading "Green Light Ahead For This Automaker"

Play Defense With This Strategy In 2015


Over the holidays, I decided to drive to Orlando and give the Walt Disney Co. (NYSE: DIS) a few of my hard earned dollars. My 12 year-old son talked me into riding the Tower of Terror at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.

As a thrill ride, the Tower of Terror plays on three of humankind’s most basic fears: falling, the unknown and the dark. I wasn’t that concerned. In the investment biz, that’s just another day at the office.

But when it comes to the investing, I’ll be honest. I am a concerned about the stock market in 2015.

Here’s why: It’s all about earnings.

At the end of the day, an investor should buy a stock based on the underlying company’s ability to deliver quality, consistent earnings. Those earnings should also be purchased at a fair-to-discounted price as measured by a stock’s price-to-earnings ratio (PE).

In more bullish times, investors are sometimes a bit too optimistic about the future and will push stock prices and their attached PE’s higher. In bearish times, they often become too pessimistic and drive prices and PE’s down.

I took notice after working on this chart of peak PE ratios for the SP 500 Index.

The way the picture tells the story, we’re overly optimistic and at the same valuations as before the 2008-2009 crash.

So are we so positive? The current numbers don’t indicate a profoundly bullish market in 2015.

Consensus estimates for the SP 500's 2015 EPS are around $125. In 2014, the SP saw EPS at around $117.

If things go according to plan, the market would see EPS growth of about 6-to-7%. Curb your enthusiasm. Continue reading "Play Defense With This Strategy In 2015"

Coke Vs. Pepsi: By The Numbers

History has shown us that America was built on the back of positive rivalries.

Like the long-standing feud between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox... or the U.S. vs. Russia in the Olympics. That's to say nothing of more serious rivalries like the political feud between Democrats and Republicans.

Nothing can drive competitors to perform their best like a well-matched rivalry. This is particularly true in the world of business. Think of Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) and Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), Ford (NYSE: F) and General Motors (NYSE: GM), or ATT (NYSE: T) and Sprint (NYSE: S).

All of these (and dozens of others) have resulted in increased innovation, industry growth and -- most critically for investors -- shareholder value. One rivalry in particular stands out to me in terms of longevity, pure competitive zeal and using nearly every trick in the book for the upper hand: the epic cola war between Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) and Pepsico (NYSE: PEP).

Both of these companies have made great investments over the years, both offer solid growing dividend yields, and both excel in a particular niche. However, going forward, I think one of these companies has the edge on the other as an investment. Continue reading "Coke Vs. Pepsi: By The Numbers"

The Technology That Will Replace 148 Billion Barrels of Oil

As much as we talk oil here, I wanted to bring in an outside source to give you some insight into what he thinks is the replacement (potentially) of oil, and what might be a great play for you very soon. That expert is Horacio Marquez, Editor of the Money Map Report. Please enjoy the article, comment below, and check out Horacio's site for more info!

Most investors didn’t notice when, in September 2008, Warren Buffet paid $230 million for a 10% stake in Hong Kong-based battery maker BYD Co. Ltd. (HKSE:1211.HK).

Now, of course, we all wish we’d been paying attention…

In the 18 months since, BYD share price has increased by upwards of 900%, from $8.01 before the announcement to $75.05 today. And the value of the investing icon’s portion of shares increased to $2 billion.

Continue reading "The Technology That Will Replace 148 Billion Barrels of Oil"