New Video: Optimism drives markets higher

Hello traders everywhere! Jeremy Lutz here with your mid-day market update for Tuesday, the 18th of December.

Stocks are moving higher as traders become more optimistic that lawmakers are closing in on a budget deal that will stop the U.S. from going over the "fiscal cliff" at the beginning of next year.

House Speaker John Boehner told reporters he remains hopeful that a budget compromise can be reached but, says President Barack Obama has yet to offer a balanced deficit-cutting plan.

Among stocks making big moves, Arbitron (ARB), a provider of radio ratings, surged after TV ratings company Nielsen said it would buy it for $1.3 billion.

Let's see what the Trade Triangles say about the markets today.

Every Success,
Jeremy Lutz

Click Here to view today's video

New Video: Is the Cult of Apple Over?

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 17th of December.

This will be my last broadcast for 2012, as I'm taking time off from trading during Silly Season. Jeremy Lutz, who you know from MarketClub TV, will be doing the updates until I return back to the markets in early January.


Apple just sold 2 million iPhone 5s in 3 days in China, yet its stock falls below $500 in pre-market trading. What is going on in the smart phone world?

This past weekend, my daughter and son-in-law came over for an early Christmas celebration. My son-in-law, who is a very smart guy and a computer engineer, showed me his new phone which to my surprise was not an iPhone5, but a Samsung Galaxy III. Much to my chagrin I picked it up and started playing with it and I have to admit some of technology, especially the Google voice technology, appeared superior to Siri, which is what Apple uses in its iPhone5 and IOS6 operating system. Continue reading "New Video: Is the Cult of Apple Over?"

New Video: What are you doing for "Silly Season"

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 14th of December.

Well silly season officially starts tomorrow and goes through to the first week of January. This is when the markets become unpredictable and very thinly traded as most professional traders have left to go on vacation or to enjoy the season with their families. As for myself I'm off on a cruise over silly season and what I consider a well-deserved break from the markets. Every year it's good to have a solid break from the markets and come back refreshed.

What do you have planned for silly season? If you haven't voted already please vote on our poll. It's so was interesting to see what everyone is doing. As for the markets I expect them to get quieter and thinner until the second week in January when market action and volume begins to pick up. If you're following any one of our three portfolios you'll simply stick with the game plan as it has been proven time and time again that this strategy works.

VOTE IN OUR "SILLY SEASON" POLL HEREContinue reading "New Video: What are you doing for "Silly Season""

New Video: Never Again In Our Lifetime, 12/12/12

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 12th of December.

12x12 = 144, A FIBONACCI NUMBER?
Never again in a lifetime are we going to see 12/12/12. Is 12/12/12 an omen for something greater to come or perhaps some pending disaster (Fiscal Cliff)? That remains to be seen, but for now let's just marvel at the fact that we are living through history, with a once in a lifetime date of 12/12/12.

I would very much doubt that we are going to see the "Fiscal Cliff" resolved in 2012. I would probably be happy if the politicians could come to an agreement any time in the first quarter of 2013. As you know, perhaps better than myself, politicians being politicians are likely to kick the can down the road again in December.

There's no doubt about it, Apple's perilous fall from grace shook many money managers in Q4. And it's doubtful that we will see Apple regain its former star stature any time soon. We believe that this stock is best looked at in the first quarter of 2013. Continue reading "New Video: Never Again In Our Lifetime, 12/12/12"

New Video: Copper soars on Chinese data

Hello traders everywhere! Jeremy Lutz here with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 10th of December.

Stocks are seeing modest strength in mid-day trading today. Upbeat data from China has been partly offset by political uncertainty in Italy.

Reports showed that Chinese industrial output rose 10.1 percent year-over-year in November following a 9.6 percent increase in October, while annual Chinese retail sales growth accelerated to 14.9 percent from 14.5 percent.

However, uncertainty about the political situation in Italy following news that Prime Minister Mario Monti intends to resign has helped to limit the upside for the markets.

Monti's decision to step down came after he lost the support of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's People of Freedom party. Monti said he would try to pass a budget for 2013 before resigning.

Let's see what the Trade Triangles say about the markets today.

Every Success,
Jeremy Lutz

Click Here to view today's video