New Video: After the bell Alcoa kicks of the earnings season

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Tuesday, the 8th of January.

In today's video, we will analyze AlCOA (AA), who reports earnings after the bell today. There are a couple of technical features that are very interesting at the moment and that standout for this stock. Are market expectations on earnings already built into current prices? We will find out after the close, but in the meantime we will share with you exactly how we are positioned in ALCOA going into earnings season.

"SILLY SEASON" is not officially over until next week. Look for the markets to continue to be a little crazy until then. Continue reading "New Video: After the bell Alcoa kicks of the earnings season"

New Video: Is Russia the New Face of Capitalism?

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 7th of January.

Let me start by wishing everyone a happy and prosperous 2013! I hope you all enjoyed the break and were able to celebrate Christmas time and the start of the New Year with your families.

Well, you may or may not have heard that Gerard Depardieu, the French movie actor, recently become a Russian citizen and now has a Russian passport. It was purely an economic decision in his case, because he didn't want to pay the 75% rate of tax imposed by François Hollande on millionaires. Taxes in Russia are 13%!

The country who has the lowest taxes usually does well, as 75% of nothing is after all nothing! Continue reading "New Video: Is Russia the New Face of Capitalism?"

New Video: Fiscal Boom?

Hello traders everywhere! Jeremy Lutz here with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 2nd of January.

Stocks continue to see considerable strength after moving sharply higher at the open. The markets continue to benefit from a positive reaction to news of the last-minute fiscal cliff deal in Washington, but will it last?

The news about the fiscal cliff agreement has largely overshadowed a report from the Institute for Supply Management showing a rebound by manufacturing activity in the month of December.

The ISM said its purchasing managers index climbed to 50.7 in December from 49.5 in November, with a reading above 50 indicating an expansion by the manufacturing sector. Economists had expected the index to climb to 50.5.

A separate report from the Commerce Department showed an unexpected drop in construction spending in the month of November.

Let's see what the Trade Triangles say about the markets today.

Every Success,
Jeremy Lutz

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New Video: The Fiscal Cliff is Looming

Hello traders everywhere! Jeremy Lutz here with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 21st of December.

The markets have made a sharp move lower today. The pullback reflects renewed concerns that the U.S. could be pushed over the looming fiscal cliff. While optimism about a potential budget agreement helped to drive stocks higher earlier in the week, traders are expressing renewed concerns about the fiscal cliff following the latest developments in Washington.

The Commerce Department said durable goods orders increased by 0.7 percent in November following a 1.1 percent increase in October. Economists had expected orders to increase by 0.5 percent, matching the increase that had been reported for the previous month.

Excluding a 1.1 percent drop in orders for transportation equipment, durable goods orders surged up by 1.6 percent in November compared to a 1.9 percent jump in October.

The Commerce Department also released a separate report showing a much bigger than expected increase in personal income in November.

Let's see what the Trade Triangles say about the markets today.

Every Success,
Jeremy Lutz

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New Video: Optimism turns to uncertainty

Hello traders everywhere! Jeremy Lutz here with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 19th of December.

The optimism that fueled yesterdays rally turned to uncertainty today as traders take a breather. Traders are keeping a close eye on developments in Washington, as U.S. government continues to work toward an agreement to avoid the looming fiscal cliff.

While signs of progress toward a compromise helped to drive stocks higher earlier in the week, traders may be waiting for more concrete signs of an agreement.

On the economic front, the Commerce Department released a report before the start of trading showing that U.S. housing starts came in below economist estimates in November.

The report said housing starts fell 3.0 percent to an annual rate of 861,000 in November from the revised October estimate of 888,000. Economists had expected housing starts to fall to 865,000 from the 894,000 originally reported for the previous month.

At the same time, the Commerce Department said building permits rose 3.6 percent to an annual rate of 899,000 in November from the revised October rate of 868,000.

Let's see what the Trade Triangles say about the markets today.

Every Success,
Jeremy Lutz


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