Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of INO.com and co-creator of MarketClub, with your video update for Monday, the 28th of April.
The current equity markets are proving to be frustrating for many traders as there has been no clear-cut direction for some time. Many of the indices are still in a trading range and could be making major tops. Don't forget, this bull market is now in its fifth year and is getting long in the tooth.
Like many investors, I am still very much concerned about events in Europe and the Ukraine. I think this is contributing to a large part of the indecision in the markets, causing them to move up one day and down next day.
Certainly there has been positive news for stocks, with earnings for many companies looking very good. There is also some disturbing news of a potential slowdown in Europe, along with some not-so-rosy guidance by several companies.
So what's an investor to do?
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