Inside The 2021 Blockchain Survey!

I almost fell out of my chair when I read the latest take on the outlook for blockchain technology by consultancy behemoth Deloitte.

While I expected the report to show some positive signs, the fact is global executives see blockchain as making a “seismic” shift in just about everything they do, from business models to scalability to competition.

And we’re not talking about a time horizon many years down the road. The survey showed that these corporate movers and shakers think the blockchain seismic shift is already underway and will fundamentally change their industry within just 24 months.

That’s right, in just two years, it’s likely the business landscape – especially the financial business landscape -- will change so significantly, it will barely resemble what it is today.

But that’s not all: Inside the report are bombshells that even blew me away.

So, let’s get to it! Continue reading "Inside The 2021 Blockchain Survey!"

The 2021 Guide to Cryptocurrencies (Part 2)

If you’re like me, when I first got the cryptocurrency bug, I was overwhelmed by the concepts, technicalities, and mounds of jargon. All I really wanted was for someone to just give me some short snippets about the most important topics I needed to know. And to leave the minutiae for a later time.

Well, if that sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place. In this second part of The 2021 Guide to Cryptocurrencies, I’ll take you through two topics that are key to getting involved with the cryptocurrency and blockchain space: Why you should think hard about owning a little bitcoin and where to get started with a cryptocurrency exchange.

And in case you missed it, don’t forget to check the first part of this series. It has valuable information about what the blockchain really is, what cryptocurrency really means, and whether or not they’re right for you. It would be a good primer for this issue but isn’t necessary.

So, let’s get to it! Continue reading "The 2021 Guide to Cryptocurrencies (Part 2)"

IBM Posts Strong Q2 Results

International Business Machines (IBM) is fresh off its strong quarterly results with growth returning to the narrative. IBM continues its slow and long turn back to growth, focusing on high-value faster-growing business segments while embracing the future of technology with artificial intelligence, blockchain, and hybrid cloud architecture via the Red Hat acquisition. Over the past few years, IBM has taken a blended approach of M&A, realigning its business mix to current and future trends, maintaining its dividend payout, and continuing to buy back shares while absorbing its Red Hat acquisition.

IBM’s executive leadership has set the growth and value narrative. Investors quickly realize the value Red Hat brings to the table while washing away fears that IBM overpaid for the $34 billion acquisition. IBM has been in a position of strength and has broken out past $140 after its recent quarterly earnings. Long-term imperatives are beginning to bear fruit in emerging high-value segments that have fundamentally changed its business mix while evolving its offerings to align with new-age information technology demands. The Red Hat acquisition will augment its transition away from its dependency on legacy businesses to the future of hybrid cloud, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and analytics.

Quarterly Earnings – Better than Expected

IBM reported Q2 2021 earnings that were better than expected, beating on both the top and bottom line. IBM reported EPS of $2.33 and revenue of $18.7 billion, beating analysts’ targets. The company laid out its growth narrative and Red Hat acquisition catalysts that are bearing fruit. IBM's overall cloud revenue grew by 13% while its cloud and cognitive software cloud revenue grew by 29% and global business services cloud revenue grew by 35% (Figure 1). Continue reading "IBM Posts Strong Q2 Results"

The 2021 Guide To Cryptocurrencies (Part 1)

Welcome to the 2021 Guide to Cryptocurrencies! If you’ve ever wondered what cryptocurrencies are all about, you’ve come to the right place!

This guide is perfect for just about anyone. In fact, you could be a seasoned crypto investor, a new investor to the space, or just someone who wants to learn more. No matter how you got here, this guide is built for you.

I’ve taken topics that are key to learning more about cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Then I’ve combed through every article I’ve written for over the past few months. Out of that pool of articles, I’ve selected just the right mix that are ideal for the topics you need to know about.

But before we get started, a quick word of caution. If you’re going to invest in cryptocurrencies – and there are good reasons why everyone should own a little – remember that the entire space is risky, highly volatile, and unpredictable. So, if you’re going to take the plunge, don’t devote more than 1% to 2% of your portfolio. And ask yourself if you’d be comfortable losing that 1% to 2% because you just might.

Now, with that out of the way, let’s get to the 2021 Guide to Cryptocurrencies! Continue reading "The 2021 Guide To Cryptocurrencies (Part 1)"

What You Don't Know About Altcoins

What are Altcoins?

First off, the term altcoin is a portmanteau of two words, “alternative” and “coins.”

But don’t let that throw you: Alternative is the keyword here.

Alternative to what? Well, you guessed it: Bitcoin.

That’s right: Altcoins are all cryptocurrencies, except Bitcoin.

But that answer just gets us started.

So, let’s get to it! Continue reading "What You Don't Know About Altcoins"