Five Professional Stock Trading Rules That Will Make You Successful In Any Market (PDF Version)

I wanted to thank you personally for doing business with our company. I have just published a book, titled "Five Professional Stock Trading Rules That Will Make You Successful In Any Market".

The book is available right now and it's free. As you are a valued Trader's Blog reader, I wanted you to be among the first to read it.

I hope you enjoy my book, as it was a lot of fun writing and creating it. The book can be easily downloaded (file size 92 megs, it will take few minutes to download) and read in a short time and will provide you with a lifetime of solid trading advice. It will also provide you with a great foundation on which to build your future and your fortune in these interesting times.

Enjoy and every success,
Adam Hewison
Co-founder of the Marketclub

MarketClub TV for 10/18/12: It's official, the US is now spending $1,000,000,000,000 in welfare payments!

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Thursday, the 18th of October.

It's hard to believe or even fathom that the United States should be paying over $1 trillion a year in welfare benefits. This is an unsustainable number by anyone's math.

Because of this massive expenditure, we're going to see gold skyrocket as paper money becomes worth less and less when reality sets in.

If you were around in the 70's and thought inflation was bad then, it's going to pale in comparison to what's coming up. The only value will be held in land, gold, and raw commodities that can be traded on a barter system.

I hate to sound so negative, but the reality is we did this to ourselves and have no one else to blame. Continue reading "MarketClub TV for 10/18/12: It's official, the US is now spending $1,000,000,000,000 in welfare payments!"

A special way of showing our appreciation

I wanted to thank you personally for using INO as your go-to source for market education and information. I have just published a book using Apple's iBook program, titled "Five Professional Stock Trading Rules That Will Make You Successful In Any Market".

The book is available right now and it's free. As you are a valued INO user, I wanted you to be among the first to read it.

There are no catches, the only requirement is you must have an iPad 2 and be operating on IOS 5 or later. The interactive book can only be read and played on an iPad 2. If you do not own an iPad, I highly recommend getting one of these very useful devices. I use mine every day for everything from the weather to the markets, including the MarketClub website.

I hope you enjoy my book, as it was a lot of fun writing and creating it. The book can be easily downloaded and read in a short time and will provide you with a lifetime of solid trading advice. It will also provide you with a great foundation on which to build your future and your fortune in these interesting times.

Enjoy and every success,

Adam Hewison

Co-founder of the Marketclub

P.S. Please feel free to comment on the book both here and on the Apple bookstore.


Apple and iBooks are trademarks of Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

Daily Video Update: Now is the time for traders to learn the secrets of picking good markets to trade

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 10th of October.

Today, I want to talk about finding winning trades using some tools that you have at your disposal 24/7 with MarketClub. The Trade Triangle technology can help you spot winning trades and major trend changes in over 375,000 symbols. The symbol list includes all stocks here in the US, Canada, and Australia, as well as futures, Forex, and precious metals.

In today's video, we will be examining in more detail how you can implement our Trade Triangle technology in your own trading and how easy it is to use.

EQUITIES: Treading water. The trend is your friend and we are sticking to this market's major trend according to our Trade Triangle technology. We have an upside target of $1,550 on the S&P 500 sometime next year. Continue reading "Daily Video Update: Now is the time for traders to learn the secrets of picking good markets to trade"

Daily Video Update: America doesn't run on gold, it runs on …

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Tuesday, the 9th of October.

Have you ever try stuffing a gold bar in your fuel tank?

I am sure you haven't, and that is the point I want to make today. America runs on number two diesel fuel, not on gold bars. Without fuel, America's economy is dead in the water.

Every year the world needs more and more energy. China and India provide good examples as the working class are moving from bicycles to mopeds and in some cases, even cars. All this upward mobility takes energy, and the energy for now is petroleum based.

India and China have a combined population of 2.9 billion, representing 36% of the world's population. To put that in perspective, that is 9.2 times the size of the United States.

And here's the wild card, and it's a big one: "The Middle East". What is going to happen in the most unstable part of the world? Any major disruption in that area will cause oil prices to skyrocket. Continue reading "Daily Video Update: America doesn't run on gold, it runs on …"