This Cannabis Innovator Is Down 50% In Two Months - Time to Buy?

Analysis originally distributed on August 9, 2017 By: Michael Vodicka of Cannabis Stock Trades

A new and innovative business model is emerging in Canada’s cannabis industry. Not only is it a potentially safer way to invest in the highly volatile cannabis sector, it could also be more profitable than investing in individual cannabis companies.

No, it’s not an ETF or a mutual fund. It’s something called streaming – let me explain.

Cannabis Wheaton Income Corp.(CDNX:CBW) is a young Canadian cannabis company headquartered in Vancouver that just went public in early May.

CBW is pioneering a new and innovative business model in Canada’s cannabis industry known as streaming.


Streaming means providing funding to cannabis companies to help them build and expand operations in exchange for an equity stake and a portion of the cultivation production.

This model comes straight from the gold and silver mining industry. In fact, Cannabis Wheaton is actually named after Wheaton Precious Metals Corp. (NYSE:WPM), now called Wheaton Precious Metals Corp., a pioneer of streaming in Canada’s precious metals industry. Continue reading "This Cannabis Innovator Is Down 50% In Two Months - Time to Buy?"