Is This Rally For Real?

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Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Thursday, the 27th of October.
Is this rally for real and should you trust it?

The Dow is shaping up to have its biggest ever monthly October gain in the history of the Dow.  The question traders have to ask themselves, is this for real and should I get long this market?

Everything was sparked off late last night when they thought they had an agreement with the banks to take a 50% haircut on their bond holdings. To put it in simple terms, if you have something worth $10 on your books, it was now only worth $5. And that's a relative term, as there is no real trading market for these bonds at the moment.

The sharp upward move in October came as a surprise to many professional traders, as well as hedge fund managers. Today's action was largely a squeeze play, with the shorts getting squeezed out of their positions forcing them to buy back at higher prices.

Now to get back to our initial question, should you trust this rally in the market? According to our Trade Triangle technology and the long-term trends, not at the moment. Our long-term Trade Triangles on all the indices are still in a negative mode. Somewhere along the line this will change and we will either get a signal to resume short positions or reverse and go long. We will wait and see the outcome of this current move and how it affects our strategy and Trade Triangle technology.

Now, let's go to the charts and see how we can create and maintain your wealth in 2011. Continue reading "Is This Rally For Real?"

Do You Know Which Way the Market Is Headed?

Hello traders everywhere!  Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 26th of October.
Don't miss MarketClub TV Tonight at 5pm EDT.
E-mail us your questions at ma**********@in*.com or call 410 867-2100 extension 129.
It's Wednesday, do you know which way the market is headed?

What is gold telling us?

Do you think there is going to be a resolution to the crisis that continues to fester and grow in Europe?

I think everyone is pondering if the European problem is ever going to be fixed.  I for one, don't believe it is going to be fixed.  Now we hear that Italy is going to up the retirement age from 65 to 67, but it won't be going into effect in 2026.  Who are they kidding?

If you think Greece was bad, Italy is going to be another big problem waiting to happen.  Then we have Spain, Ireland and who knows who else is going to bite the dust...

These are interesting times, and they do lend themselves really well to making money.  If you are watching the markets and are nimble in your choice of markets to trade, both from the long and short side, you will do very well.

Don't forget to watch MarketClub TV tonight, our one-hour show on the market.  We go live at 5pm EDT, and if you can't make that time, we rebroadcast the show throughout the day on demand.  That gives you the option of watching it when you have time.  We will be covering some pretty interesting action on the markets that we are seeing today.

Now, let's go to the charts and see how we can create and maintain your wealth in 2011. Continue reading "Do You Know Which Way the Market Is Headed?"

How the Best Analyst In the World Nailed Netflix …

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Tuesday, the 25th of October.
Don't miss MarketClub TV this Wednesday at 5pm EDT.
E-mail us your questions at ma**********@in*.com or call 410 867-2100 extension 129.

How the best analyst in the world nailed Netflix … And why Tuesdays are so important.

Most every day we interact with the best market analyst in the world. The problem is most traders don't even know it, or think about it. Continue reading "How the Best Analyst In the World Nailed Netflix …"

Is It Reversal Time For the Markets?

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 24th of October.
As we begin the trading week, I want you to ask yourself this question. IS PERSONAL COACHING RIGHT FOR ME?

Is it reversal time for the markets?

At the start of a new week, have we turned around or is this just a correction in a larger bear market?

I think you'll find today's video interesting as the S&P 500 has made a remarkable recovery. However, it is back at a crucial Fibonacci retracement level which could present major problems for this index.

In our recent survey we asked traders if they were concerned about what is going on in Europe. A remarkable majority, over 75% said they were, and they do watch events in Europe very closely.

At this point, Europe is really the tail that wags the dog and we are not optimistic that things are going to work out in a positive fashion. They have had a total of 13 summits in a period of 20 months trying to solve this problem. With the likes of Berlusconi, can you imagine telling him what to do? And other players like Nicholas Sarkozy shouting to Brian Cameron of Great Britain to shut up and butt out. And that's the stuff we hear about!

Imagine the stuff we don't heard about.

Now, let's go to the charts and see some of those important retracement levels, and let's see how we can create and maintain your wealth in 2011. Continue reading "Is It Reversal Time For the Markets?"

How To Avoid Slice-O-Matic Markets

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 21st of October.
As we are coming to the end of the trading week I want you to ask yourself this question: IS PERSONAL COACHING RIGHT FOR ME?

Watch my free personal invitation to you about one-on-one coaching:

How to avoid Slice-O-Matic markets

One of the biggest challenges many traders face is avoiding "Slice-O-Matic" markets. What is a "Slice-O-Matic" market? Well, it's a market that lacks any real direction. We can call these markets "Slice-O-Matic" markets as they cut trader's equity into ever smaller pieces.

For the past seven days, the S&P 500 has not closed in any one direction from more than one day. This is the choppy scenario that many traders would like to avoid.

So how is that done?

One of the simplest ways that I know is to use our Trade Triangle technology. The major Trade Triangle to watch trading stocks is the monthly Trade Triangle, as this determines the trend. We use the weekly Trade Triangles for timing purposes. Let me give you an example, if the last monthly Trade Triangle is green, this indicates the major trend is up for that stock. You would then use the initial monthly Trade Triangle as an entry point and the weekly red Trade Triangle as an exit point. You would only reenter a long position if and when a green weekly Trade Triangle reappeared, providing the monthly green Triangle is still in place. You would again use the next weekly red Trade Triangle as an exit point.

The reverse is true if a red monthly Trade Triangle shows that the trend is down. You would then use the weekly green Trade Triangles for covering short positions and the weekly red Trade Triangles for reentering short positions.

When you have two opposing Trade Triangles, like the red monthly Triangle and green weekly Triangle in the S&P 500, it indicates that you should be on the sidelines and in cash. You would be amazed at just how well this simple formula works in the stock market.

So there you have it, a simple, easy way to protect your equity and avoid Slice-O-Matic markets.

Now, let's go to the 6 major markets we track every day and see how we can create and maintain your wealth in 2011. Continue reading "How To Avoid Slice-O-Matic Markets"