What the FITCH!

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Thursday, the 17th of November.
Free consultation. 877–219–1482

Let me begin by thanking everyone who watched our show last night at 5 PM. Jeremy and I had a great time and we covered many of the markets that are moving today. If you did not see the show, you can watch it here.

The overall market action yesterday was not good with the warning from FITCH about European bank losses. The bank stocks were a disaster and appear as though they are anticipating further problems in Europe.

Europe, of course, is on the minds of every trader to the point where it's overshadowing all other thoughts on the market. As said earlier this week, "reality is slowly sinking into the markets." Continue reading "What the FITCH!"

A Bigger Problem Than Contagion, Is the Human Problem

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 16th of November.
Tonight at 5 PM EST we broadcast our one hour show on the markets. We will be taking your questions and calls so be sure to watch MarketClub TV!

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and leave a question for the show!
A bigger problem than contagion: The human problem.

I was thinking about this last night... There isn't anyone I know that has the slightest clue what's going on! With all due respect to some very smart people, no one who is living today has lived through the type of problems we have right now in Europe.

So far, it has been all about changing the governments in Italy and in Greece, but the performance benchmarks and the austerity measures that need to be put in place present a huge challenge for the populations of those countries.

I want you to give up 20% of everything you have, right now. Would you be happy with that? Of course not, nobody would, but that is exactly what is going to be the BIG PROBLEM. I call it the human equation. Continue reading "A Bigger Problem Than Contagion, Is the Human Problem"

The Reality of the Market

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Tuesday, the 15th of November.
Free consultation. 877–219–1482
What I love about the markets is that unlike most politicians, they don't lie.

Is reality finally beginning to settle into the markets?

Things aren't going to get better right away. The magnitude of the problem in Europe and Spain's failure today to sell €3.5 billion of notes, underscores just how fragile the Euro economic system is right now. Europe is a big market for US and Asian products. If Europe is weak, it can't help but spread to other parts of the world.

As an example, one only has to look at Citigroup (symbol C) to know that things are not good.

We do not expect things to get better any time soon. If you look at a chart of capitalism over the last 100 years, you get a sense of how these longer-term economic cycles work. It is going to take us years, not months, to get these economic problems worked out. Continue reading "The Reality of the Market"

Italy and Greece Pass the Baton

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 14th of November.
Free consultation. 877–219–1482

Italy and Greece pass the baton to the technocrats, but does it really matter at this point?

As we start this trading week, we've seen a change in the governments of both Greece and Italy, as the rule of the technocrats is now upon us. They can make the hard decisions that politicians can't seem to, but it is a bitter pill for the citizens of those countries to swallow. The bigger problem, and one that is complex and not easy to solve, will be social unrest.

No matter how things are sliced and diced in Europe, there is still a mega amount of money owed to banks that needs to be reconciled. The way the markets are opening today, it would appear as though no one is easy with the current changes. It may just be a case of "buy the rumor and sell the news." Continue reading "Italy and Greece Pass the Baton"

Can Three Big Changes In Europe, Solve the Sovereign Debt Problem?

Hello traders everywhere, Adam Hewison here co-founder of MarketClub with your 1 P.M. market update for  Friday the 11th of November, Veteran's Day.
Free consultation. 877–219–1482

Greece's swearing-in of new Prime Minister Lucas Papademos is one change. The second change is a new president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi. The third change, and this is a big one, and has not taken place yet, is when and if Silvio Berlusconi resigns from office. Mario Monti, is apparently the front-runner for the job. Not a big deal for Italy to change governments as they have had over 60 new ones since 1948.

With all the changes taking place in Europe, it isn't going to change the overall dire financial picture overnight. Changing governments is one thing, that easy, getting the citizens of that country to accept draconian austerity measures is a totally different can of worms. Continue reading "Can Three Big Changes In Europe, Solve the Sovereign Debt Problem?"