They've changed the rules again to cover their folly.

First published March 16, 2008 under: Here’s why everything is hitting the fan at the same time.

Here's the original post.

After safely protecting investors for over six decades, a little known SEC rule was quietly removed on July 6, 2007.

With the removal of this rule all the rules of trading and investing in the market went out the window.

One of the reasons for the market's current volatility is a direct result of this rule change.

This major SEC rule was designed to protect investors.

With the removal of this rule, professional traders and hedge funds will be able to suck money out of the market and your portfolio in no time flat.

Why this rule that has stood the test of time since 1938 and was put in place to protect investors was removed is a big mystery.

Why now?

Here's what I suspect happened... some large hedge funds got together and lobbied to have this major trading rule removed.

It's just that simple. Why else would the SEC act out of the blue and remove this very important investor safe guard?

I suspect with this rule change the hedge funds have just been given the keys to Fort Knox.

I made this video last year but it details how this new ruling will effect you. The video explains in every day language what you can do to protect your capital from the hedge fund gunslingers and professional traders.

Watch the video as my guest. No registration required.

After you view the video you will have the knowledge on how to protect your portfolio, while at the same time reducing your risk exposure.

Adam Hewison

Don't ever do this ...

Bad Trades

A bad trade is like a dead fish: The longer you keep it, the worse it stinks.

Good Trades

When a trade is making money, the market is telling them they are right and to let the position ride.

Don't ever do this ...

Winners don't add to, or "average", losing positions. They dump the trade and go looking for a new opportunity. Successful investors may add to the winning trades. When ahead, they press their advantage while remembering that at any time the market can turn on them and prove them wrong.

In trading keep your mind clear and do not get emotional about a trade. Remember you are not married to a stock rather you are in the dating game.

Learn more about common sense trading.

Adam Hewison

Co-founder of MarketClub

Twin Disasters


Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

No love for these two stocks.

Even after Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson made a statement ensuring that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would remain as presently constituted to carry out their mission it was not enough to satisfy most investors.

Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac hold about $5 trillion worth of mortgage guarantees in this country, roughly about half of the 9.5 trillion mortgage debt. Their survival is paramount.

The trouble with these two companies is the latest depressing factor in the current credit and confidence crisis that the United States is going through at the present time. This type of negative information is depressing for stocks and weighs on the minds of investors. This type of mindset is similar to the early seventies when we witnessed the last prolonged bear market.

There are no quick fixes to our current set of problems, only trading opportunities.

We live in a capitalist society and these are the cycles that we go through every 30 to 40 years. This is the price we pay for living in a free society.

My new eight minute video shows in detail how easy it is to avoid disaster stocks like Freddie and Fannie. I also show you in very clear terms how to fortress your portfolio to withstand any type of financial tornado that blows through the world economy.

Enjoy the video,

Adam Hewison

Traders Toolbox: This often overlooked technical indicator is a winner

Parallel trendlines

I am constantly amazed that some of the simplest tools available to technical analysts are often the most effective. One of these simple tools is parallel trendlines. I have used them to identify planes of support and resistance on the charts.

At times, these parallel trendlines will form channels. Commonly, a market will stay within a bounded channel for a sub- stantial period of time. However, these trendlines are not limited to channels of equal width. The weekly corn chart reveals a market which has followed the same angle, or plane, of movement for much of the past three years, but within channels of various widths.

There are three primary applications of this tool which are very useful. The first is to expect a market to respect existing parallel boundaries of support and resistance. Second is to expect a significant change in market action when a boundary is significantly violated. And third is to expect the market to eventually resume trading on a parallel plane at a new level. The weekly corn chart is a good example of all three applications.

250,000 reasons to read this post

Today is a very special day for our company as we are announcing to the investment and trading community that we now have trading alerts for all members. The great news is, this new alert service is available now at no additional cost to members.

We have put together a short video to show you how to get the most out of MarketClub ALERTS and how you can best use them in the marketplace. It doesn't matter if you trade stocks, futures, ETF, precious metals or foreign exchange, we have you covered with these alerts. Every few seconds, our proprietary Smart Scan technology jumps into action and scans over 250,000 symbols to find trading opportunities for you.

We think you'll find this service invaluable to your trading. Not only will it help you spot winning trades on the upside, but more importantly it will protect your portfolio when things start going the other way. Look upon MarketClub ALERTS as an upside opportunity finder as well as an insurance policy to protect your trading capital.

To the best of our knowledge, there is nothing quite like MarketClub ALERTS on the Web. We think you'll agree once you watch this free video.

Enjoy the video and please share your comments and give us your feedback on this exciting new addition to MarketClub.

All the best,

The MarketClub Team