Sneak Peek: Bear Market '22

Every month, I release a new video for MarketClub members...

I cover everything from current market conditions and trading lessons learned (good and bad), to stocks on my watch list, questions I receive from members, and more.

Here is a sneak peek of my August Bonus Training Video.

Today’s theme is Bear Market ’22... shocker right?! Well, this one is a good one and I’m going to cover a lot so let’s jump in!

The good news is, we’re in a solid bear market rally and just flashed a monthly Trade Triangle in the big 3! I’ll look back at past bear market rallies and show you how the Trade Triangles have been an excellent indicator of changes and traps in the past (including getting you out before a 20% pullback in the most recent bear market). I’ll show you what I’m looking at and what to be cautious of.

Now full disclosure, even though we’ve seen these new Triangles issued, my gut tells me we haven’t seen the end of this bear market. But guess what? THE MARKET DOESNT CARE WHAT I THINK, so I trade what the market and signals tell me.

So, today we’ll do something we haven’t done in a while, look through some charts and scan for some trades! After all, the market is going up and as we’ve seen already the signals rarely, if ever, let us down!

I’ll break down the Top Options list into 13 potential stocks to watch for options trades!

I’ll ALSO cover how to survive market corrections, the journey to a million dollars, the 3 skill sets to build wealth, and more. Continue reading "Sneak Peek: Bear Market '22"

MCO Blueprint vs. Coronavirus Crash

It's not every day that you see 2,000 point swings for the Dow Jones Industrial Average or multiple trading halts in one session. We are living in unprecedented times.

It's also not commonplace to see a trading strategy tested during a market crash, but that's exactly what happened when Trader Travis was recording the last video of a 3-part bonus series for MarketClub Options members.

While the MarketClub Options bonus training videos are normally reserved for members, we thought an early release of our April video was too important not to share.

In this video, you'll see how the Blueprint helped protect Travis' portfolio as the markets began to free-fall.

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So, did your strategy protect you like the MarketClub Options Blueprint did for Travis? Did your plan get you out in time and help you cut losses?

If you don't have a step-by-step blueprint to guide you safely through these crazy times, you need to check out MarketClub Options right now.

To find parts 1 and 2 of Travis' bonus series and the entire MarketClub Options Blueprint, visit us here - MarketClub Options.

Stay safe. Protect your portfolio. Stick with your plan.

The MarketClub Team


Sneak Peak: Buy and Hold vs. Options

Every month, I release a new video for my MarketClub Options members...

I cover everything from current market conditions and trading lessons learned (good and bad), to stocks on my watch list, questions I receive from members, and more.

These videos are not an advertised part of the MarketClub Options service (which includes the MarketClub Options Blueprint, Option Basics Bootcamp, How NOT To Trade, Options 101 eBook and more), but simply an added value and something I like sharing with members.

I was asked by the MarketClub staff if we could share September's training video with non-members.

I hesitated at first - then I thought, why not?!

This information applies to all types of traders - buy and hold, fully invested, successful or not.

The short video below highlights: Continue reading "Sneak Peak: Buy and Hold vs. Options"

Bear Market Blueprint - Security BEFORE You Need It

When do you think is the best time to buy a home security system?

Would it be after someone breaks into your house or before?

Of course, it would be before you are burglarized. After the fact doesn’t help you prevent a loss.

When looking at a market crash, the same rule applies.

The best way to prepare for a market crash is beforehand.

I've just added my Bear Market Blueprint training to MarketClub Options - my full and comprehensive options training course.

The Bear Market Blueprint covers…

  • 7 methods I use to protect my money during a market crash.
  • How to make money when the market crumbles.
  • The buy and hold strategy we used to triple our 401K account.
  • And much more…

In my training, I'll walk you through this blueprint and show you the plan that MarketClub Options will put in place when the market shifts.

Learn More About MarketClub Options


Trader Travis
MarketClub Options

10-minute trade update: 1 month later...

If you were able to attend our live MarketClub Options Webinar that I hosted in March, you are probably curious what happened to the three 10-minute trades that we placed on AMAT, INTC, and NEE.

Watch the webinar recording below (no registration needed) to see how and why we placed those three trades.

MarketClub Options

Now here's your update: as of 4-26-18, all 3 trades show a small loss of $125.

Am I embarrassed that the live trades I placed are losing money? Nope!


Because losing money is normal.

A few losing trades here and there are no big deal. In fact, I teach (and follow) a money management formula that allows up to 25 losing trades in a row before it starts to hurt your account.

It is important to me to show how losses like this are par for the course. Ultimately, losses are overshadowed by your gains when you use a time-tested strategy like the MarketClub Options Blueprint.

Trader Travis
MarketClub Options |
