When Did Financial Wellness Matter To You?

As you might expect, the older people get, generally the more money they have saved. According to Fidelity Investments, by age 35, you should have saved an amount equal to your annual salary. By age 45, you should have saved three times your annual salary. At age 55, you should have five times your salary and when you retire at age 67, you should have eight times your annual pay (1).

While these guidelines don't guarantee any future financial wellness, it is sometimes helpful to have a savings goal for your future financial well-being.

As daunting as those guidelines may sound, we were wondering...

At what age did you first start considering your own financial wellness?

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Accumulating financial wealth can be an overwhelming concept for someone just starting out. Do you have any words of wisdom or lessons you have learned that have made a difference in your own financial situation?

We'd love to read your thoughts and comments.


The INO.com Team

(1)Kadlec, Dan. "What You Should Save By 35, 45, and 55 To Be On Target." Time Business & Money. TIME.com. September 12, 2012. http://business.time.com/2012/09/21/what-you-should-save-by-35-45-and-55-to-be-on-target/

January is National Financial Wellness Month

The new year invites the opportunity to commit to new resolutions. While we commonly resolve to get fit, eat healthier, and manage stress better, it can also be the perfect time to consider and analyze all areas of our financial well-being.

January is National Financial Wellness Month and in today's economy, it is more important than ever to pay close attention to our financial health. In this new year, many of us may also resolve to cut our spending, increase our savings, or be more disciplined with our trading plan. It is a great time to give our financial plan a fresh look and focus on making changes and improvements to our financial well-being.

We've gathered 5 very simple and important tips to help you get started on the path to achieving your financial goals. Continue reading "January is National Financial Wellness Month"

INO gives a little, but gains a lot! Operation Christmas Child

This time of year reminds us how incredibly fortunate we are to work for a company that we love, while also helping our customers achieve their financial goals.

With the holiday season upon us, there is nothing we wanted to do more than help another group achieve their goal as well. INO.com recently funded a large portion of a holiday project for a youth-run organization in Moorefield, West Virginia. This group of amazing kids packed almost 150 boxes for Operation Christmas Child, a charity that delivers shoeboxes packed with gifts to children all over the world during the holiday season!

Operation Christmas Child is a wonderful organization that simply attempts to provide basic needs, smiles and a little joy to less than fortunate children in more than 100 countries around the world. It’s a wonderful program that anyone can participate in. Learn more about Operation Christmas Child.

We hope you enjoy the pictures of the children at their shoebox packing party. We are happy to help them share some love with the world.

All the best and warm holiday wishes,

The INO.com & MarketClub Team