Take a look at what Jim Cramer said about Bear Stearns (NYSE_BSC) . Bear Stearns was trading over $60 dollars a share at the time!
Boy, we love the internet, as it keeps a record of what who said what and when they said it. Cramer is a great entertainer, but he was 100% wrong on Bear Stearns and a great many other stock moves that have cost investors billions!
When you trade with a "Game Plan" you win. When you listen to the talking heads, you lose as they never tell you when to get out of a bad trade!!
Take a look at this video that we did live on Bear Stearns and then decide who you would rather listen to, MarketClub or Cramer.
We have discussed Mr. Cramer before on this blog. You can see his track record here.
Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
P.S. If you missed any of the "Traders Whiteboard" educational video series watch them here.
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