Has the Dollar stopped going down?

The markets are always interesting, but they are particularly interesting right now.

Today we're looking at the dollar index and some important elements that I see building in this market and want to bring to your attention. In this short video I outline the key areas to watch for and one important component that you may not have seen. I think this factor could, in fact, be a short term game changer for this market.

As always our MarketClub videos are free to watch and there is no need to register. Please feel free to leave your feedback regarding this video on our blog.

All the best,
Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-creator, MarketClub

15 thoughts on “Has the Dollar stopped going down?

  1. It looks like the dollar is gaining strength against the Euro recently. This may cap gold prices and the overall market for a while, until (and if) the dollar resumes its downtrend.

  2. Adam,
    I enjoyed your video in dollar & oil and thanks for that. However normally usd and oil move opposite direction. So which one would you think is going to move up first??? Many thanks in advance.
    Kind Regards

  3. Adam,

    Very generous of you to share your thoughts and experiences. Looking at the line graph of the DX it seems the trendline got taken out by the price action on 26 Oct. That trendline touches 5-6 points.

  4. The inverse correlation USDX Gold appears broken while the inverse correlation WTI crude future ( and some industry metals) remains intact.
    Also the correlation USDX / S&P500 USDX / $BKX remains intact indicating USD as carry trade fueling stocks index.
    But what about gold? That is somewhat strange.
    Given China would weaken the yuan / USD peg wouldn't that consequently drive USDX up, plus extra impetus from increasing weakness of Euro zone economies?
    It appears Obama administration is closing ties with China leavin Europe standing in the rain...

  5. Adam, the dow and nasdaq videos are great. can you possible post a video of the QID chart. It tracks the Nasdaq 100 and seems to be at or near an all time low. It may also be a good indicator of the potential market turn down.

    Much Aloha,


  6. Hector,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    It's too early to tell but I do feel that the positive divergence on the MACD will push this market a little higher. Once we get more clues we will be able to better decipher where the market is headed.

    All the best,

  7. Hello,
    I enjoy your video in the dollar, I agree on the outlook that you provide in general. my question is what makes you think that this is just a short term move and not a multy month advance.


  8. I have found your analyses to be helpful and I appreciate your generosity in sharing them. Keep up the good work.

  9. Bring on the higher dollar so we can short commodities and make some big money in time for Christmas :o)

  10. At the same time a similar situation is going on in the stock market. That is, that a trend change seems to be coming. I guess it's not a coincidence that they coincide. Seems like a mutual confirmation.
    Traders are getting out of stock into dollars.

  11. Hello,

    I really appreciate your effort, having taken your precious time to provide this valuable analysis for your fellow traders. Keep up the good job

    You are blessed!

    1. Jerald,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      As I said before I believe that gold has decoupled from the other markets. If that is correct then even if the dollar rallies and that's a big if at this point, gold could still continue higher.

      All the best to you.


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