Poll:Tell Us Who Will Win The 2012 Presidential Election

The 2012 Presidential Election is going to come down to the wire. With election day looming tomorrow it's too close to call. We wanted to ask our members and Blog readers this....

Which candidate will win the 2012 Presidential Election?

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Every Success,

45 thoughts on “Poll:Tell Us Who Will Win The 2012 Presidential Election

  1. Vote the Bishop of lies out and let him keep his Taliban policies on women to his own church. This nation needs it like a hole in the head.

  2. It doesnt take A rocket scientist.. republicans are out just for republicans. only the rich will survive.Democrats are out for all

    1. It's unfortunate that so many Americans are misguided, John. Doling out tax payers money to big banks is hardly caring for all of us. That is what the Dems have done. Remember TARP, Bail outs, etc., all of the tax payers money went to big banks too big to fail. The Republicans were fighting it. Too many Americans cannot see beyond the reach of their hand for a government hand out. Very sad, sad day for our country if this administration continues for another 4 years. I guess it may take a rocket scientist to see the fiscal cliff to which we are headed.

      1. "Doling out tax payers money to big banks is hardly caring for all of us. That is what the Dems have done."

        And that's what the Reps. plan to do alo LOT more of. All the big banks put up most of the campaign money for Romney. None put it up for Obama, so it's clear whose more interested in austerity for the banks - let me spell it for you. R-money. Gary Johnson 2012!

  3. The Gallop poll is a scientific poll. It is the only one in which I place any confidence. It said that Romney will win.
    In contrast, the vast majority of the other polls aim at influencing the outcome, instead of accurately predicting it. --- The factor they rely on, is that a segment of American voters prefer to vote for the winner, instead of voting for whoever they think would be best. So, for a price, there are pollsters who will say that whoever pays them will win. That helps them capture that segment of the vote.

  4. My mother was German and she told me they voted for Hitler. I asked her "How could you possibly do that?" She told me at the time the two big parties in Germany were the Nazis (no track record) and the Communists (just purged 30 million in the USSR) so the choice was between Hitler and Stalin. Then she sweetly turned to me and asked "Which one would you choose?" Good point.

    If you know your history, you know both of those candidates had been chosen by the banksters of their time, and neither of them offered a good future for Germany. So the real question is: how do we get off this treadmill before we follow in their footsteps?

    1. yea well if you vote for romney he may very well be the modern day hitler.Starting wars to stuff thier pockets.Heck he is already invested in oil.He may put all the middle and low class on the front line in some bazzar draft.With him only the rich survive.democrat we all have a chance

      1. No chance at all if you vote democrat. Do you have an understanding/knowledge of how close this administration has been working with the United Nations. Do you know that if our President signs a treaty with the United Nations, we the people will not be able to undo the harm that will befall us? He could simply sign an arms treaty, a cap and trade treaty, control of our oceans treaty, and without a Republican Senate to vote against ratification, we will fall under the control of the United Nations. Do you want global governance? Do you want the UN telling Americans that they cannot bear arms (small arms treaty)? Don't think for a minute that this president will stop sequestration. His one and only goal is to fundamentally change America. He has no concern for the American citizen's well being.

        1. Gee, he sounds like the Anti-Christ. But I thought the Devil was not real. That is true, is it not?

    1. This is so untrue.Obama is very much A us citezen.But the republicans are really trying.I hope your rich or own A oil field somewhere.good luck with romney

      1. Why are all his records sealed then? Why hasn't he presented a legal birth certificate, why are his student records sealed, why did he and Michelle give up their law licenses? No answers for any of these questions, and yet he has the gaul to demand Gov Romney to release the tax information. Americans remain in the dark.

        1. Since when has anyone ever questioned the private details of the President of the US? Who the hell do they think they are to demand the President of the US to reveal their birth certificates, their student records etc. It is the Republicans way of humiliating him, not because they do not believe him. They can't stand the idea of a black man beating them to the highest post in the nation. They did 270 filibusters in Congress to make sure the economy stays in the doldrums so that he will lose the election. They sacrificed the country and put their party first (They made sure the Tea Party rules to enrich the 1% and their whacko religious ideas on women's rights go the way of the Taliban.) If you have retards in their parties that say that rape is in the intention of God and no woman can get pregnant from rape because the body has a way to prevent it from happening. God help us from these crazy bastards. I cannot imagine in the 21st century we still have these kind of crazy ideologies when they try to tell you what you can and cannot do with your own body. They should keep their own religious beliefs to themselves and not mix it with politics. This is not Afghanistan and we are not living in the 18th century.
          I wonder how much investments the Republicans have made in the war and oil industry to lobby so much for them, trying to prolong a war that is not wanted and to promote the oil industry without any safe guards just to get his buddies pipeline in to pollute the farmlands along the way. By the way the brave Bishop was hiding out in France under the name of the Mormon church to avoid being drafted to Vietnam and for someone who is such a war monger, he has 5 sons , and not a single one has served the military. it tells you so much about this family, Its OK to sacrifice someone else's son and daughter but we keep our own children safe . That is sheer hypocrisy . Ironically Bush did the same
          and when Dan Rather was brave enough to point it out , he was shown the exit door. They are so alike, no wonder he is going to adopt the same Bush policies that nearly bankrupted the country.
          Someone mentioned that his dad once mentioned about choosing the Nazi over Stalin.
          Well this election is about choosing over a drowning nation that Bush had flooded and slowly swimming out of it or diving into the hot fire that Romney has prepared for us while he is waiting to roast his pig on it.
          Whether you like it or not, this man is there to serve his Mormon church 's wishes to get a Mormon in as the head of State and to heap as much of the Mormon beliefs as he can on the people. It will be all about them , self serving themselves to the riches of the country for him and his buddies and to hell with the rest of the country. He was flip flopping in every debate deviating from his his own policies and doing and saying what he believes the American public likes to gain the votes. A man without principles and who lies as easily as blinking an eye. We don't know what's in store until he's in the office. That's when the fireworks starts. God help us if he wins and don't forget.... I did warn you!!!!!!!!

  5. As a strugling SBO (small buisness owner) in buisness for 20 years, these last 4 years have been worse than my first 3 years of start up which are to have been the breaking point of most buisnesses. If Mr. Obama is put in office again I do believe I will have but to close buisness and try and find work in an economy that has few jobs that will support a single father raising two teenage children. So if you have a job and vote for Mr Obama PLEASE keep your job so you can pay for my family's food, housing, clothing, utilities, fuel, health insurance, ect. Thank You for your time.

    1. As A small buisness owner if you look and follow what romney wants you will be in worse shape with him this is fact.Unless your small buisness is really thriving strong.And you dont mind the taxes.

      1. Romney is for reducing taxes on small business, and he definitely does not want to redistribute the wealth. So unless you are a do nothing with your hand out for government help, you will vote for Gov Romney. If you are on the take, have no self-respect or love of country, and you do not appreciate our blessed country and its Constitution, then you will cast a vote for global governance (democrat).

  6. As a strugling SBO (small buisness owner) in buisness for 20 years, these last 4 years have been worse than my first 3 years of start up which are to have been the breaking point of most buisnesses. If Mr. Obama is put in office again I do believe I will have but to close buisness and try and find work in an economy that has few jobs that will support a single father raising two teenage children. So if you have a job and vote for Mr Oboma PLEASE keep your job so you can pay for my family's food, housing, clothing, utilities, fuel, health insurance, ect. Thank You for your time.

    1. The three pillars of the US empire (Military/Dollar/Media) will determine the hope of your false belief.

    2. The economy crashed long before obama took office.Perhaps the people should look at bush.And like the old governer of ny. governer george e pataki.He to me was known as the governer willing to rise at anyones cost.Building hospitals in prisons!!!.It goes way beyond the presidents when it comes to the economy.We just all expect one man to come up with A plan in just four years.And implement it. And magically fix everything.Believe me republicans are as much to blame for this mess as democrats

      1. Maybe they should just look at Ronald Reagen. Stop blaming Pres Bush. He had a hand in all of our problems, but when do we stop blaming him? I'm sure our prez if re-elected will always blame someone else. He has no self-respect and is willing to make anyone a scapegoat. He has no integrity. He bows to foreign leaders and apologizes for our great nation. I don't understand how anybody can vote for this little man.

  7. Obama, because dependency nation will prevail, the age of self sufficiency is long gone. Obama, because David Axlerod said Obama's win is 'in the bag', and Lord knows, that paragon of virtue always speaks the truth.

    1. I hope there are enough self-sufficient American's to vote for truth, justice, and the American Way!!! And I do hope we see David Axlerod clean shaven on Wednesday. He bet OB would win and if he doesn't, he will shave his mustache off. I wonder if he can be the same "paragon of virtue" without it. LOL.

      By the way, I always enjoy reading your posts, Dennis.

    1. No offence to God, but WE have to get our own a** out and VOTE. God only helps those who believe in him and DO something!

    1. We elected an "unknown factor" in 2008 and we got disaster. Mitt Romney is hardly an unknown factor. Meanwhile right after the '08 election Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose pondered about Obama, "Who is this guy? Where does he come from? Who does he read? What are the influences on his life?" Now we know: Alinsky, Marx, Bill Ayers, Frank Marshal Davis, Rev. Wright and Malcom X, among others.

    2. Yes, Gary, but who is the unknown factor. One has a winning record and one has a losing record. Do you want a loser?

  8. This nation cannot stand another four years of Obama, socialist, possible muslim. He is ready to take things over in a way which would be anti-constitution. I strongly hope and pray that the majority of voters think beyond the thought of what Obama will hand out to them free. Keep a positive attitude that Obama will lose this presidential election.

  9. It doesn't matter who wins! --- It will be just more of the same. And yes, the bankers are in charge!

    1. So if the bankers are in charge, does that mean Romney wins? Or the guy that gave them so much of our tax payers' money?

  10. I hope and pray Romney wins. If not, here come the black helicopters!!!!! Heard that somewhere. Can you say global governance and sustainability? If you are not familiar with these two phrases, you haven't been paying attention.

  11. If you read their media, the banksters have made it clear that the election machines will show their candidate Mitt beating their candidate Obama.

    1. I hope you are right. But according to the voting machines in a certain swing state, the voting machines have not been calibrated correctly and votes for Romney are mysteriously turning into votes for OB. These "banksters" sure are messing up, aren't they.....lol

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