What to do in the market right now!!

Dear Trader,

What a week! What volatility! What should traders do?

This could be one of the answers you are looking for.

About two months ago we sent you an email that correctly forecast the up move in crude oil and indicated that it could potentially topple world equity markets.

We were right.

So what happens now ... is the move in crude over? Is the DOW in a tailspin, over or is it just a pause before new highs?

I have just finished a new video that takes a fresh look at crude oil and is a follow up to what many are calling my amazing June 13th video.

If you are concerned about volatility, if you are concerned about the economy, and according to our blog poll most traders are.

See our blog poll results on this page.

You will want to watch my new four minute video. It's an eye opener. The video shows you step by step how you would have fared in crude oil.

Watch it on us. There is no need to register, plus you will learn a valuable trading lesson.


Adam Hewison

P.S. Here is a copy of the email I sent you on 6/18


Looking back two months ago we sent out an email to you.

Here's a copy of what we sent . The move has started with little or no fanfare, and almost zero media attention.

This is how the big moves start, they are usually off the radar screens of most traders and media pundits.

It is only when the move is almost over do you begin to see exhaustive coverage and market projections on all media outlets. Then it is too late.

This move, in this market will potentially create major problems for the world equity markets.

In my new video you will see, point by point what I mean.


No registration needed ... watch with our complements.

Cheers, Adam

Adam Hewison President, INO.com

One thought on “What to do in the market right now!!

  1. I've watched your crude oil video. How can you tell which signal is to close the position or go short?



    When we look at future contacts we look at the weekly to determine the trend (possible initial entry point) and the daily to determine the timing points. Lets say that we were looking at crude (this is hypothetical... I'm on vacation and I don't have access to my charts)... the last triangle produced on the weekly chart was issued two days ago and was a green signal. This would suggest that the weekly trend has changed from a negative to a possitive, with the signal two days ago triggering (the breaking point) for the trend change. Now we can enter on the weekly if the trend looks strong, or we can wait until the weekly chart issues and green triangle -- LONG  (GREEN AND GREEN - TRADING WITH THE TREND). We can wait for that signal and enter and then look to the daily chart for a red triangle which would suggest us to exit the market. IF the last triangle on the WEEKLY chart was a red then we would enter on using reds on the daily chart (short) and then look for a green triangle to exit the market. Please let me know if you have any further questions as I am more than happy to help in anyway I can.  Thanks!


    Lindsay 1-800-538-7424


    PS- If you want to chat about this. Give me a call, but not until Tuesday 10 am EST. That is if my flight doesn't get cancelled from hurricane DEAN.

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