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Hi Adam.

Congratulations on your fantastic new MarketClub applet which is a great improvement over the good one you already had. It contains a wealth of information, is simple to use and is much faster . As an active trader making 10 to 20 trades per day in stocks, futures and forex, MarketClub has become my Number One source for analysis and forecasting. Over the past year of using the MarketClub +100 Giant Footprints as the basis for my trading, my portfolio is up +100% with an over 80% win ratio. I am very pleased to be a subscriber.

The major difference is that I am staying in the trade much longer than before. I was always quick to take my profits in fear of losing them. Now I have verified the validity of your buy and sell signals and have the confidence to stay with the trend. By simple one button clicking between time frames on the MarketClub charts, I can quickly observe if the trend is still intact. What used to be a labor intensive, time consuming process now takes 30 seconds. Since you leave all buy/sell signals on the charts, I can analyse your past recommendations for the position to determine the likelihood of staying with the position. No more rummaging through past emails from newsletters, or scanning long lists to see what the recommendation was back when I put on the trade. And the Footprints give me a quick picture of why I am still in the trade, or when it is time to exit.

Another big difference is that I am no longer just guessing what positions to trade. By using the SmartScan feature for +100% Giant Footprints of stocks, I am only trading strong stocks in a strong uptrend with a high probability of continuing. My win ratio confirms this is a good strategy for me. I don't mind shorting futures or forex, but prefer to trade positively on stocks. Ok, I may miss some bottoms and tops, but staying in the trend is a much more productive trading technique. With 300 possibilities on each scan, there is always something good to trade.

Also I greatly appreciate your nightly email with the MarketClub Chart Analysis Report of my complete portfolio. In less than five minutes , I can quickly scan my positions to note any changes. Now I am spending my analysis time on what needs to be looked at rather than going over all the positions. This is a much more more productive use of my time, and leaves a great deal of time available for searching for new opportunites.

You may consider me a loyal and constant user of your MarketClub Program. I love it for the expanded capabilities I have as a trader, my Portfolio loves it for big boost it has received, my Wife loves it for the extra time I have available. Keep up the good work.


Gene Simmons