Beautiful ladies dancing on table tops (New Video)

Imagine you're in your favorite restaurant enjoying a nice dinner. All of a sudden a beautiful young lady jumps up on the table and starts dancing even though there is no music.

Would that get your attention?

I know it would get my attention, not because it was a beautiful lady, but because it is out of the realm of normalcy for this restaurant to have anyone dancing on their tables.

The point I am making is this... sometimes markets act a little out of the ordinary despite what everyone is saying and thinking about them. When this happens you need to pay close attention to that market.

Why? Because that market maybe getting ready to do something totally contrary to prevailing sentiment.

For the first time in a long time we have received a signal that many would consider out of the ordinary and going against popular sentiment.

I have prepared a short video that I would like to share with you today.

Let me know how you enjoy the video and if you found it helpful please feel free to leave a comment.

Thanks for reading this post and every success in the markets and in life,

Adam Hewison

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20 thoughts on “Beautiful ladies dancing on table tops (New Video)

  1. Hi Adam
    I think the beautiful lady aka Ms.Akam lost one shoe, but if she winks above 18.50 i will bed her.


  2. Bruce.

    Our original buy signal was at 16.75. We still see this market going higher. As for recommending a buy level I cannot do that, I am not a money manager or an advisor.

    I recommend that you follow the Trade Triangles signals. Over time they will make you money. I know that they worked for me and I have used them for over two and a half decades.

    All the best,


    1. Hi Adam

      This is for all INO members , we have had 3 drives to the bottom for the DOW JONES INDEX, OCT,NOV, and FEB lows, as a result our beautiful lady Ms. AKAM could be dancing next week, if she winks at $18.99 with above average volume. I love Adam Hewison and INO.COM for everything they do and what they offer in terms of education for traders, because they are the best!


      1. Joe,

        Thank you for your positive comments from everyone here a INO and MarketClub. We sincerely appreciate it.

        All the best,

  3. Bruce,

    Thank you feedback. This lady is not dancing yet. The major trend is down for the stock and we do not see a turnaround coming soon.

    All the best,


  4. "Because that market maybe getting ready to do something totally contrary to prevailing sentiment."

    Adam, are you talking about AKAM or the market in generale (ie NASDAQ)? thanks.

    PS: I posted this already, but for a strange reason some comments don't appear.

  5. "Because that market maybe getting ready to do something totally contrary to prevailing sentiment."

    Adam, when you make the statement above do you refer to markets as a whole (ie NASDAQ) or to this particular stock (AKAM)? I'm asking this because I remember you showed another video few days ago with "the big 5" where the trend for the market is still down and there are no signs it will reverse anytime soon.


    1. Dacian

      I was referring to the stock and not to the general market. Your absolute right in the "big five video" the trend is down for the market and that remains true today.

      We like the action in the stock AKAM and feel that it is being accumulated into strong hands. We are simply trading the trends and the trend in this stock in our opinion, and according to our trade triangle technology is on the up side.

      All the best,

  6. that stock also looks like it is came off a double bottom of around 12 and broke passed its pivot point of 16 which means it could go to at least 20, that is according to one of your educational videos.
    Am I right?

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