With January coming to a close, 2014 is certainly off to a rough start. Looks like the DOW will close down about 4% for the month, the S&P 500 down close to 2.5% and the NASDAQ down around .80%. And, it doesn't look like the news is going to get better any time soon.
The Fed announced this week they are going to cut another $10 billion from their $75 billion bond buying program, to make it $65 Billion. When will they pull the rug out completely?
Jobless claims rose more than expected by 19,000, to make 348,000 total claims. The four week moving average for new claims, considered a better measure of underlying labor market conditions as it irons out week-to-week volatility, edged up 750 to 333,000.
With all of that in mind, we wanted to ask....

Every Success,
The INO.com Team
The market will have a sharp rally Monday morning, with a sharp reversal in the afternoon. Tuesday could be devastating!
The market will have a sharp rally in the morning, with a sharp reversal in the afternoon. Tuesday could be devastating!
neutral.. but I think I'll research bitcoin :p
Heavy on long side of Vietnamese Dong , expecting global reset of all the currencies in the world.
Situation next month is highly depended on the attitude of some emergency countries regarding their raising of interest rates. It is a kind of a currency-war between emergency countries and the USA. If this situation will not or partly be corrected I see a bearish situation next month.
What to do to go other direction (bullish director).
The Fed/Treasury/big banks are using the extreme liquidity provided by "quantitative easing" (i.e. Weimar hyperinflationary use of electronic printing press) to manipulate all markets, with the primary goal of propping up the US dollar and preventing interest rates from rising. The vehicles used are the bond market and derivatives -- interest rate swaps -- to create a false demand for bonds. However, the process is entering a climax phase, as the dollar and bonds are being rejected on a global basis, with the goal of eliminating the US dollar as the global reserved currency.
The markets are being driven down now with the goal of driving money into the bond market. This is essentially a last-ditch effort to keep a lid on interest rates and create demand for bonds. With foreign governments dumping bonds, the only other alternative is to expand QE rather than shrink it, something the Fed appears reluctant to do as it would not exactly be good PR for the so-called "recovery", which in reality is also manufactured by converting a 9% annual US inflation rate into "economic growth" through data manipulation.
My position is to purchase physical gold and silver (as their prices are also being driven down through massive naked, uncovered shorting, see Paul Craig Roberts website for detailed explanations and stats on this). Precious metal reserves in the West are gone, there is no gold in the vaults of Fort Knox or the NYC Fed (as evidenced by the inability to return even a fraction of German gold . . . 5 tons in a year, when 1500 tons were supposedly in an allocated account in the NYC Fed); the prices are being driven down so the bullion banks can take delivery of the last remaining reserves in the GLD and SLV inventories, as only large stockholders with 100,000 shares can do this. Then the gold is recast into kilo bars and shipped East.
The sh*t hits the fan when all the gold runs out, coming within the next year or so. At some point, when people wake up to the fact that inflation has hit (when the dollar is dethroned as global reserve currency), there will be a rush for precious metals . . . and none will be there to be had, as there are no substantial reserves remaining in the West.
We have allowed the Federal Reserve to so devalue our currency in the last 100 years that $0.01 cent in 1914 is equal in purchasing power to $1.00 today. Corruption of our political system has permitted the offshoring of our industrial base and the virtual elimination of our manufacturing sector. With this comes the loss of jobs and income, the loss of the tax base, the elimination of a consumer society (no one has money to spend on consumer goods), and the entrenchment of endless deficit spending that creates enormous, ever-increasing debt.
Most importantly, the lost of manufacturing creates a complete inability to manufacture basic goods needed by our society along with the knowledge and skill sets needed to manufacture and innovate. Thus we are now utterly dependent upon foreign suppliers, who are in the process of turning away from our toxic bonds and debased dollar. When the dollar is no longer used to settle trade with China, Russia, and India (apparently the only true capitalists left standing), we will have to *convert* US dollars on the global exchange markets. This will results in greatly depreciated purchasing power which will equate to much higher domestic prices for everything we import . . . which is about 70% of the stuff sold at WalMart.
That is probably why HSA has purchased 2 billion rounds of ammunition, armored vehicles, tanks, automatic weapons.
Remind me, where is it in the Constitution that this is permitted, a mercenary standing army on US soil? Oh, I forgot, we have eliminated most of the Constitutional rights through Executive orders and laws passed by Democrats and Republicans.
2 Excellent stocks to consider for today Friday 31 Jan/14 : Gild and V ( hold for at least 6 months.
As a day trader, I'm neutral every day... I trade what I see, not what I think!
What kind of day trade system/ strategy do you employ?
Voted neutral, looking for entry points here. This is healthy, just what we needed after the overbought conditions we ended 2013 with.