We Will Never Forget

To all of the brave men and women that we lost on that fateful day in September....
We Will Never Forget.

What I remember most was the renewed sense of patriotism that followed that day. Nobody cared about religion, politics, or race. We were all focused on doing what needed to be done as Americans to heal our great nation. It was great to see and feel the nation act as one above all else.

All the best,





7 thoughts on “We Will Never Forget

  1. ..........it was terrorist atack commited by some fashist government.You don´t need to search too far."Cui bono"

  2. No matter who was at fault, 3000 lives were lost that day. Having visited that city in 1976 and 1984, I feel like something is missing in my life. You can say its just a city - not true. I have travelled a lot these past 40 years and never felt a closeness to any city except New York. Those firemen and policemen who lost their lives in trying to rescue people as well as the victims - my heart goes out to them as well as to their families.
    Despite my 65 years. my heart is full of tears of sorrow and gratitude to the rescuers.
    I will never forget

    1. This is true, we can have lot of different theories of what happened that day but one thing is certain, we lost lots of good people that day. Lots of familiys lost there love one that day.

  3. "Nobody cared about religion, politics, or race."
    Wow, what planet are you living on? Maybe for about 5 minutes. Does the word "Muslim" ring a bell? Do you remember "freedom fries"? Do you remember attacking a nation based on lies? Have you tuned into the recent election campaign?
    Keep dreaming, my friend.

    1. Good point! But unfortunately your comment will be deleted by tomorrow morning LOL. One of my similar past comments was. If it isn't I would be very surprised.

  4. It is easy to sympathize with Jeremy's comment on 9/11, but we ought to look at the facts.

    The difficulty with some "conspiracy theories" is that they are not theories but supprted by copious amounts of evidence.

    Military NOT commericial aircraft hit the WTC buildings and no aircraft at all hit the Pentagon, but rather a missile. Doubt that? MSNBC displayed the Freedom of Information demand for the Pentagon film of the airplane hitting the Pentagon. Only one thing is missing. The airplane!

    911 IN PLANE SITE, found on the internet has a mountain of photographic EVIDENCE. It is worth checking.

    The dumbed down American "electorate" is slow to acknowlege that the WTC result is at least two unjust wars and the heavy hand of an increasingly totalarian government coming down on their heads, in the name of "freedom.'

    Bye, bye American pie...

    1. Yes I seen a documentary about it, the twin towers fell straight down not sideways but straight down. Wait I seen that before, on demolition jobs. As the buildings fall look closely at the windows you'll see a light show! Here's the kicker the bomb sniffing dogs were sent out of the buildings a few weeks before they fell. And president Bush was at a school reading to the kids when he got the news the look on his face was not like oh my god what has happened, it was more like oh my god it has begun. The best way to control the people of a country is by fear, everyone donated their money into national security ( tax dollars) wait didn't Bush own a weapons factory lots of $$$ was made!

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