3 Smart Indicators To Trade Crude Oil With Synergism

Now that we have "Silly Season" behind us, it's time to get serious about trading

In today's video we are looking at crude oil. This market has been a disappointment to a lot of traders as has remained in a broad trading range for the past 18 months.

The current trading range will eventually be broken and the market will move in the direction of the breakout. While our long-term indicator, the monthly "Trade Triangle" continues to be positive, short-term "Trade Triangles" are indicating weakness. With a score of -60 for February crude oil, we expect that this market will be range bound in the short term.

One of the indicators we discussed in an earlier video is in an oversold condition, indicating a potential rally from current levels could be at hand. That being said we would wait for some other combination of indicators to confirm that a move is underway.

For the past 18 months the best way to trade crude oil has been with the use of an oscillator indicator. The one we're looking at in today's video clearly shows you where the lows and highs are coming in and indicates a potential market bounce from current levels.

We expect that after such a long period of sideways action, almost 18 months, that the crude oil market will come alive and present some great trading opportunities in Q1 and Q2.

As always our video's are free to watch and there are no registration requirements.

All the best to you,

Adam Hewison

President of INO.com

Co-founder of MarketClub

9 thoughts on “3 Smart Indicators To Trade Crude Oil With Synergism

  1. Adam if the chinese revalue their currency upward in the coming weeks what
    would this do to your forcast for oil in particular,other commodities
    gold etc. thanks

    1. Carol,

      I will let the market decide that question. If it does happen there will be plenty of time to get into the ensuing long-term trend.

      All the best,

    1. Hello I am very content since I'm working with this service and vidios of this service was very well done and thank légal renivaldo alves


      Thanks you for your business.

      All the best ,

  2. Adam, thanks for this video which I think may answer some qusetions about whether I react to trade triangles in a sideways choppy market (I have been looking at +/- MACD to help with that up to now. Question: Presumably this analsis will work for weekly trade triangles too, for those of us who don't wish to trade as frequently as the dailies? But, if one is using this for supporting decisions on weekly trade triangles would you suggest any adjustment to the settings on the channels or the oscillator?
    Thanks, Anthony

    1. Anthony,

      You make a good point. I think this would work just as well on the weekly charts using the same time frame. The time frame we used for the Doncian channels was 15, and the default setting for the Williams %R indicator used the default setting in the MarketClub.

      I hope this works out for you.

      All the best,

  3. Adam,

    Does this only apply to the times when we are in the trading range -60 to + 60 when tracking the WCP?

    Thank you! Jim

    1. Jim,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      The MarketClub trading system can go anywhere between minus -50+50 to -70 +70. I would consider any these numbers and any numbers abetween these numbers to indicate that a trading range is in play.

      I hope this helps you.

      All the best,

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