Short Term Trader? Join us on Friday

If you're a trader who enjoys being active in the market without being a day trader, then Friday's webinar is for you. Join us this Friday, March 26th at 4PM eastern time as Jeremy Lutz, MarketClub expert, and I go over MarketClub's short-term trading strategy. Learn how to use our system for short-term trading: everything from which markets are best suited for this strategy, to scanning for trades, and when to exit and enter using our "Trade Triangle" technology.

Last week's webinar filled to capacity so we encourage you to visit this link and reserve your seat early. By attending this or any MarketClub webinar you are also eligible for our completely free one-week trial. Just email se*****@in*.com or call our member service team today at 1-800-538-7424 or 410-867-2100 to get started and test this strategy yourself.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Susan Jackson
Director of MarketClub Education & MarketClub

15 thoughts on “Short Term Trader? Join us on Friday

  1. I am really looking forward to seeing this "Short Term Trader" webinar. It was supposed to be posted on 3/29/10 and I haven't seen it as yet, unless I'm missing it somewhere.


  2. To my great regret, I keep missing these Friday appointments. Friday 10 at night (this side) turns out to be difficult. My hopes are that you will put it on video.

  3. Can you explain to me on how a person can get involved with this business without having to use a credit card

  4. Very interested. Does this imply intra-day trading such as on a 15 minute chart? Will this webinar be recorded because it does not look like I can make it?


  5. HI I am interested in participating in your short term trading strategy webinar. Could you please advise the time for this webinar in Australia.
    Sydney Time

    1. Hi Brenda,

      Thanks for your interest in the webinar. The time in New South Wales would be 7am on Saturday. I know this may be early for you so the recording will be available next week via the link below:


      Susan Jackson
      Director of MarketClub Education & MarketClub

  6. I live in Australia. It will be 4.00 am my local time, so it is difficult to participate.Do you record and post your webinars?

  7. Could you PLEASE make your webinars available afterwards on the website, for those of us who can't get away from work to attend.

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