24 thoughts on “Gold Alert

  1. Hi adam sir.

    iam...from india youver..market commentary...daily..yousfull...and super marketclub


  2. Hi Adam,
    I'm using daily trade triangles to help enter call option positions in the direxion triple leverged etf's. I had many signals about a week back. The 1 position in particular was slow but boy is it moving now!! That would be symbol DRN. That was rated a score of 90 and was trading around $142 the day of entry. I also entered FAS and only wish I would have bought more as my other indicators showed for another entry over the first 3 days. Love the technology...making it work for me over here at FOB Sykes Iraq....SSG Ryan out

  3. Hello Adam,
    I am a bullion trader. I see your videos regularly, where can i get the daily analysis . thanks

  4. Following your Trader's Blog, you made it clear that it was coming, it was a matter of when Thanks!

  5. Thanks Adam, now why can't the email alerts work like this?

    Need to be able to set the alerts so that they alert us only when a new triangle has been flashed. As it stands now, the alerts send a constant stream of emails on existing triangles rather than new ones.

    Please advise.


    1. Jab.

      Thank you for your feedback. We are dedicated to improving the MarketClub experience for all our members.

      Look for some big improvements coming in the next few weeks.

      All the best,


  6. Is that the same "trade triangle technology" that advised to short Google on February 5, 2010 at $525.61 per share ?
    Your trade triangles say to exit....tomorrow morning I am a buyer of GLD.
    Make you a gentleman's bet that I come out the winner.

    1. Alex,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      The trade you highlighted in Google is correct, however we were stopped out of that position for a loss. What you forgot to mention were the other signals that we had in Google that present some amazing profits.

      I noticed that you are not yet a MarketClub member. Members understand how we filter trades like gold and Google. This approach and gameplan makes a big difference to your bottom line at the end of the year,

      As for gold we are following our trade triangles system where we know the odds are in our favor overtime.

      All the best,

    1. Adam,
      I have learned to listen when you speak(via video). What do you feel is the time frame for gold going to $950?

      Excellent work and real eye openers. Thank you and I have recommended your site to numerous people.

    1. Brandon,

      If you have a question and you don't want to put it on this blog please contact su*****@in*.com and reference my name. If that does not work try calling for 10 867-2100 extension 106.

      All the best,

  7. Adam,

    When you say "exit" signal, do you mean you received a buy signal for gold?

    I am thinking about becoming a subscriber.

    Thank you,


    1. Brandon,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      Exit in this case means that short-term traders should have gotten out of all long positions in the gold market.

      All the best,

  8. Adam,

    I want to see gold go down to about $1000, then I want to get some. It seems $1000 got good support level.

    What do you think?

    Thanks a lot.

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