I am off "down under" again, and this time it's very special...

The New Year will be a special one for me personally, and also for MarketClub.

My daughter will be getting married on January 2nd and I will be traveling to New Zealand to attend. She is marrying a wonderful young man from New Zealand and they will be making their home and their future in that country. Anyone who is a parent can understand the joy I feel inside for my daughter and my future son-in-law.

I can't promise that I will be once again jumping off the Sky Tower building in New Zealand like I did last time, but I'll try to do something fun to share with everybody.

I'll also be traveling to Australia for some business meetings and to check off something I’ve had on my list for quite some time: a trip to see Uluru (also Ayers Rock or The Rock). For those who aren’t familiar, Uluru is a large sandstone rock formation in the Northern Territory of central Australia and considered one of the great wonders of the world.

Time and conditions permitting, I am looking at sky diving over the Great Barrier Reef or swimming with the sharks. Who knows, it might be both at the same time.

I am also looking forward to returning to the States in mid January as 2010 promises to be a very special trading year and I don't want to miss a single beat.

Lastly, we have several MarketClub upgrades and features coming in early 2010 that I know will help your trading.

‘Til then, all the best to you and your families over the holiday season and a Merry Christmas to all!

Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-creator, MarketClub

44 thoughts on “I am off "down under" again, and this time it's very special...

  1. Merry Christmas Adam

    Wishing you, yours and everybody at MarketClub all the best in 2010.

    Looking forward to working with you in the New Year.

    Ralph Deans

  2. hi Adam,

    what unique & great moment of your life you are going to enjoy on 2nd of jan10 its loving memory would be new year gift for you. communicate all of my best wishes to your daughter and son-in-law and happy 2010 to you and other family personals.

    your educational videos are amazing and inspire me for trading.

    hopping to leasten from you soon.

    sandeep shinde

  3. First of Happy holidays and happy new year in advance to you.
    Also, Your daughter is getting married in New Zealand, so Enjoy the wedding. Congratulation to your daughter and son in law on their wedding. God bless their married life, and God guide them in every moment in their life.Again, Happy holidays to you and Congratulation to your daughter and son in law.
    Hitesh Patel

  4. Congratulations on your daughter's wedding. I think this is one of the big joys of being a parent.
    And by the way, thank you again for all the great help you and your team are providing us with, all year.

    Merry Xmas and Congratulations for the wedding

  5. Adam,
    Congratulations. Incidentally, we will be going to New Zealand and Australia from January 9 to February 1.
    I hope that I might come across you there.
    Tom Ho

  6. Adam,

    Congratulations! Please have fun and have a safe trip. You and Marketclub are the best navigation system SANTA could ever give us!

    Thank YOU
    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

  7. @ Bruce,

    Luckily most Australians have quite a kindly attitude towards New Zealand and can forget for a moment that even though we are a much smaller nation we regularly wipe the court or the paddock or the pitch clean with them.

    Being small and isolated and sports obsessed we do tend to turn a blind eye to inconvenient truths such as that the All Blacks no longer have any overwhelming advantage over other major teams.

    However comments like Bruce's do tend to add weight to the old adage that migration from New Zealand to Australia leads to an average increase in IQ for both countries.

  8. The coming year is looking so wonderful. Your daughter will be entering a new phase of her life. I wish her and you all the joys in the coming year

  9. Congratulations!Iam sure that the Giving Away Ceremony will remain in your memory for ever.
    Bon Voyage

  10. God's speed on your upcoming trip. Thanks for all that you do at Market Club. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! God's Blessing for you and your family

  11. Hi Adam,
    Merry Christmas and happy new year for whole team of market club.
    merry and MARRY christmas for you, bcz your daughter is going to MARRY.
    Wish you the best now and for yeats to come.

  12. Have a great time and if you have time come up to Kaitaia and we'll take you out big game fishing. All the best for the New Year and for your your daughters new life here in NZ.

  13. I'm glad you have a connection to New Zealand Adam. I'm from Kerikeri in the Bay of Islands originally, now living Thames, an old gold mining town. As the gateway to the Coromandel Peninsula it's worth a quick look.


    I imagine your daughter and partner are set up for their honeymoon but if you ever need a private and low key escape in the Bay of Islands I can reccommend this place.


  14. G'day Adam,

    Being an Aussie,i've never met a decent Kiwi!
    They can't play cricket or ruby league even ruby union. They think they can,in fact they even believe that they're champions at these games.
    They just "talk funny". Like they say SEX instead of SIX and Zilland for Zealand

    When you arrive there, don't forget to turn the lights on,and when you leave turn then off. That's because most Kiwis live in Australia.

    And the best reason for having Kiwi in-laws is that they can't just drop in on you. They live too far away. WHAT A JOY THAT IS.

    Enjoy your trip, have a great holiday (vacation to you).

  15. Congratulations to your daughter. NZ is a fantastic place filled with fantastic people.

    If you get to Darwin NT, you can also swim with the crocodiles in the cage of death. Just remember to ask to swim with Bert...... he doesn't like people and will make you heart pump...

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all

  16. Adam thank you so much for all the educations and trading tips. I wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday. Oscar

  17. Hi Adam and Merry Xmas,

    Lucky you, I was born and lived in NZ until I was 47, when we moved to Australia. Haven't seen my family since then but hopefully next Xmas. Kiss the green green grass of home for me while you're there. Oh and have a wonderful wedding in gods own.

  18. Ah the South or the North Islands NZ it's summer wonderful. And yes some Scuba with sharks on the Barrier Reef I also enjoy the Cod Hole off of Port Douglas, huge Potato Cod that follow you around like friendly dogs. Mean while back in the real world we will carry on.
    Best wishes and congrats for a new family member. Oh and by the way I'm a new family member wtih Market Club, testing the water so to say. Seasons Greetings.

  19. A beautiful daughter is the greatest thing a man can have; greater than all his wealth, a daughter; you are truly wealthy; please double check you gear; cheers;

  20. Congratulations to the happy couple.
    May a moose nivver leave their hoose wi' a tear in his e'ee!

  21. Ad Majora - well I appreciate the spirit to improve and still improve - ... and BTW ... Merry Xmas !

  22. congrats,

    I hope your painstakingly good work through market club will certainly bless your children in living happy and contented life.


  23. Adam,

    Be sure to send me your scuba diving and sky diving videos, and I'll put them online. 😉

    "Bon voyage" to a great partner, best to Brittany and all the rest of your family.


  24. Best wishes to your daughter and her forthcoming husband. I know you all will have a wonderful time at the wedding.

  25. Your daughter bought the very best option (a life triangle!) to share her life with a "Kiwi"! Did she follow your videos?
    All the best to all !

    Et bonne et heureuse année remplie de joie et de bonheur à tous!!!

  26. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Enjoy the wedding and the trip.
    Looking forward to the new upgrades.

  27. Hi, Adam,
    Have a wonderful time, and offer best wishes for a wonderful life together to your daughter and future son-in-law.

    Looking forward to 2010 and the new features in Market Club.

  28. Congratulations on the up coming wedding Adam. Marrying your daughter has to be a very special event.

    Sounds like you are going to have a great time. :-))

    Have a safe trip there,

    A bientot,

    Loic de Cupper

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