How to spot winning trades in 2009

Well the simple answer comes in the form of two geometric triangles. I call them my "Trade Triangles" and that's exactly what they do, they spot, and alert you to potentially winning trades.

It is all in this video, Watch it here. No registration required.

I could go on and tell you a lot more about our "Trade Triangle" technology, but I thought I would let a few of our members tell their story testimonials

After you read their stories you can go to and try a

30 day risk free trial to MarketClub. It comes with my personal guarantee

With MarketClub and our "Trade Triangle" technology on your side you will never miss another major move in stocks, futures, precious metals or foreign exchange.

All the best,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub

9 thoughts on “How to spot winning trades in 2009

  1. I agree with the comment on name in addition to symbol being on the charts. Also could the type size for name and symbol be a good deal larger? Right now my poor 64 yo eyes really have to squint, thanks,

  2. Has their been any discussion of being able to have a number of portfolios. In my own situation I'd like this ability to have one for an equity watch list, one for equity holdings, one for an etf watchlist and one for etf holdings. Others might like to break it up by industry, etc. It would sure be a lot better (in my case) than pouring through 70+ names in one portfolio. Is their any trick to doing this with the current system?

    1. Frank,

      Thanks for your feedback.

      Good news is on the way. Just be patient awhile longer and you get a big surprise.

      Dave, my partner has been hard at work on a terrific new portfolio manager. From what I have seen it is easy to use, intuitive and state of the art. I know I am going to enjoy using it.



      1. New system with multiple portfolios sounds GREAT!

        Might it be possible to also include the old 'toggle' button that used to be on the chart so you can just hit it to get to the next security instead of scrolling thru list and clicking?

        Making the actual securities name show up on chart (not just the symbol) would be a huge help. Especially with mutual funds.

        Thanks Tom

  3. Hi Adam,
    Thanks for the video. How do you decide whether to use monthly triangles for direction and weekly for timing?


    1. Inq,

      For stocks I use the monthly TT for trend and the weekly TT for timing.

      For forex I use the weekly TT for trend and the daily TT for timing. Same goes for futures.


  4. Hi again,
    As always you never disappoint with your videos even if its 2 years old. I was wondering do you have this “Trade Triangle” system on Forex as well.

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