This buy signal in HUDSON CITY BANCORP INC occurred just a little while ago and is a classic Trade Triangle signal. All of our Trade Triangles are now showing a 100% reading as the monthly Trade Triangle just kicked in today at 13.42.
Open: 13.22
High: 13.62
Low: 13.07
Last: 13.62
Point Change: +0.58
% Change: +4.45%
Vol: 5,885,595
Time: 11:29
Score: +100
After a month of searching i have decided to go with MarketClub and hope that it can be a tool that i will use for a long time to come!! I was going through the lessons and your pick of HCBK video from Adam and i was working through it as he talk and i have noticed on my system i can get the start date he has (12/31/09) but the best i can get for the end date is 6/23/09. That puts me THREE days behind in data!!!! Is it me? I also cant see on my charts the Green triangle for the 6/25/09.
Please help.
Newbie Dean
I think your issues with not being able to see the current day is that your chart is only set to see the last day you are seeing. Please adjust the calendar on your chart to see the most current day. Once you preform this task, the charting applet should recognize that preference and keep this as the current state of your chart.

Lindsay Thompson
Director of New Business Development & MarketClub
Well done. Can you please follow up with exit strategies?
adam i understand how to use the triangle technolgy, but what i have a problem with is where do i put my stops in? i bot hcbk today at 13.57, but how do i use the triangle logic to place stops. allan harris mentioned market club triangles have an automatic built in stop with the triangle logic. can we use hcbk for examople. if i bot when the monthly triangle triggered, do i use a weekly triangle as my exit?
thanks in advance robert
Thanks for your feedback. The classic way to use out Trade Triangle technology is to use the weekly trade triangles as your stop out point.
Some traders consider this to be too big a risk for their own personal risk profile. However when you diversify into several different non-correlating markets you actually reduce your risk using our weekly triangles.
In the case of HCBK use the weekly red Trade Triangle as your stop.
All the best,
I too chart with point and figure...never , repeat never has ever let me down.
I've been long HCBK for several months now (and use an options collar on it for safety). Yes, excellent fundamentals - they are local to me and my friend in the banking industry says they never did any of those nasty subprime loans. They only loan to customers with the very best credit ratings.
I'm going to try your system. One question I have is how much time do Market Club staff have to see the signal changes before they are released to members? I realize you cover thousands of stocks, but it'd be kinda nice to know hundreds (or more?) members will have a propensity to buy/sell an index, ETF or major stock ahead of time. Not sure there's anything wrong with that - but I'd like to know.
As a member of MarketClub you will have the ability to use our Alert Tool. With this tool you can set alerts on any symbol you deem is right for your portfolio. You can set alerts to be sent when a new daily, weekly, or monthly "Trade Triangle" is issues, when you hit new high/lows, hit specific price points (that you set), etc. You don't to wait for a MarketClub staff member to alert you... you set them based on the symbols you watch. Although Adam will bring specific symbols to your attention... MarketClub is a service that is individual to you.
Please see the link below to see a very brief tutorial on our Alert Tool. You can also watch the full tutorial by clicking the 2nd link.
Lindsay Thompson
Director of New Business Development & MarketClub
Jim Cramer also said to buy Lehmans
Be careful, this company was featured on Jim Cramer's show last night.
Ive made more money shorting his recomendations than buying
Ive made more money shorting his recomendations than buying
Which Jim?
Jim Cramer also recommended Lehman as a buy
To add to this call, the fundamentals of HCBK are excellent. I think it's a winner.
Just a remark in general on technical signals. In a highly manipulated market the reliability of a signal becomes rather questionable. Eg your latest calls on the goldmarket were all completely false. That is not your fault but a consequence of more people (that can manipulate eg via the COMEX) reading charts. I studied Point & Figure Charting with Tom Dorson. Your trade triangle system resembles P&F very much. I have learned the hard way not to follow the trade signals in manipulated markets. At present the biggest incest game on the US financial markets is ongoing. Banks are raising estimates on eachother , buy shares of eachother from the free money by the government, Yikes it smells fishy. But for a short ride it might be worthwile. Better to put money at work in alternative energy and Far East. That's where the smart money goes now, But keep up the good work, I enjoy it. Regards Joseph
dear Joseph: I read your comment and I would like some advise as a beginner trader. Since you stated the market is manipulated, would you say that it would be very difficult for an amateur like myself to be successful? I would like to learn the basics but don't know where to go to learn. I live in nyc but am away for the summer in tel aviv. I ambsure you are shocked that I am writing to you but what you wrote struck a cord in me, Ruth
*This Comment Has Been Edited to Prevent The Exposure of Personal Information
Joseph if you would like to contact Rudi, please email
to obtain the contact information.
I'm not so sure I would agree with you Scott, with the price and volume being the same as the Dow.
I am referring to this being a classic buy signal for HCBK. It remains to be seen if this is going to be a successful trade or not. Only time will tell.
By any chance are you the Scott Gordon I knew from Chicago?
All the best,
I find this call very curious. In looking at the price and volume over the past year for HCBK and comparing it to the DOW - they are almost identical.
If this is the case - Are you saying that the Dow is ready to rise also?