Our new MarketClub charts are flying and being used by thousands of traders. Thank you for all of your compliments and feedback. We will be updating them with even more new features this weekend, to make them the best and easiest system in our industry.
We've just finished a video that features a walkthrough of the new features, and tips to make the most of your trading day using MarketClub charts. We know you'll love it.

Dave Maher
Co-creator INO.com and MarketClub
Thank you for your feedback. We are expecting to add the high low bands study on the new charts sometime in the near future. We will also be adding other indicators that other members have requested.
Look for continued upgrades to MarketClub and the MarketClub charts.
All the best,
RE: New charts. I liked the Hi Lo Bands iindicator on the old charts. There isn`t a link on the new charts to add a chart that I might be viewing to my portfolio. I have to go to "edit portfolio." A hyperlink someplace on the website to view Futures Alert would be nice.
Thank you for your feedback. I noticed in your comment that you say that you are trying to trade gold. This has been a very difficult market to trade lately as it has been chopping around and has not been moving higher like we had expected.
It is pretty common knowledge now that we are going to face high inflation in the future and one would expect that gold will go higher. The fact that gold is not moving higher is somewhat of a conundrum.
I'm glad to hear that you are doing well in your trading and I hope that continues. As far as gold links are concerned I am really not familiar with any I am comfortable recommending.
All the best to you.
Dear Adam,
I have been reading the inside and outside bar chart lesson forcasting changes in market direction. I am trying to trade gold and I seem to have developed good instincts on this commodity. Can you recommend some links and some reading material that may aid me on my quest toward prosperity.
Thanks, John Neville
Thanks for your feedback. All of your comments have been duly noted and passed on to our tech team. Our goal with our new Marketclub charts is to make them the best in the world. It is to be sure a work in progress and you will be seeing more and more improvements coming your way in the weeks and months ahead.
All the best,
The new feature on tne fibonacci retracement tool is usefull. So is the feature allowing up to three below chart studies to be displayed at once. I also like the feature that allows the monthly, weekly and daily triangles to be displayed individually or at once; as well as the moveable box indicating the score.I would have preferred to see these features added to the old charts.The new charts have 18 studies compared to 21 on the old charts.The new charts do not have a time stamp or scroll bar.The red lines showing the previous days close are missing.The new charts display the price movement as a percentage only as opposed to a tick and percentage.There is no Display Data button.I preferred the old chart feature where my portfolio was displayed below the current chart that i was viewing. This way I could view the streaming prices of my entire portfolio without lhaving togo to Data Central. i believe there was a link to "view all months" of the chart that I had displayed on the old charts.I cannot find this link on the new charts. Perhaps a Commitment Of Traders graph would be a usefull new chart study. I like the talking charts feature. How does Adam find the time to comment on all 250000 charts? Aesthetically I preferred the old charts. They appeared to be more appealing to the eye. Perhaps this was due to the larger trade triangles and the coloured indicator tabs at the top of the charts.I realise that the new charts are a work in progress and I am confident that they will be as good as if not better than the old charts.
I believe it is on the drawing board. Thanks for using MarketClub and for your feedback.
I hope the next version is going to have the "X" button available to "take everything off the screen."
Having to delete each indicator individually is costing me coffee time!
I don't know why, as I have not replaced my PC or BB system but it has been taking 20-30 seconds for a portfolio chart to load with the new system. Similarly with the adding of the fibo tool. Everything seems to have slowed down.
It might be a compatibility problem but I would like to be able to access the old charting system as that was much faster and suited me just fine.
How can I access the old system?
Thanks for your feedback. Give our tech department a call on Monday at 410.867.2100. They will be able to help you with both the old and new charts.
What if I want to access the old marketclub charts.
Thank you for your feedback. But please give our office a call (410-867-2100) and ask for Jeremy in our tech department. He will be able to help you.
All the best,
How can I use your trading triangle system in trading forex? As I hope to register asap.
Using MarketClub's trade triangle technology to trade Forex is a breeze. With our new charts you will find it very easy to spot major trends in Forex using the the tool in the trader's toolbox.
MarketClub has real time Forex quotes and charts and tracks the Forex markets on a 24-hour basis, six days a week.
All the best to you,
P. S. You may want to watch this video on MarketClub charts. There is a section specifically devoted to Forex trading. Here's the link
The new style charts are excellent and very convenient in many ways, but I would like to suggest 2 further improvements
1) I would like to have the "forward/back" arrows reinstated, as well as the present drop down menu for the chart portfolio.
I miss the speed and convenience of this method of going through the chart portfolio which was possible with the previous style charts.
2) If possible I would like to be able to make the whole chart bigger.
Thank you.
This is version 1 of our new MarketClub charts. I am passing along your recommendations for the forward/back arrows to be reinstated. That's an excellent suggestion.
In version 2 which should be coming out in the not too distant future, we are going to incorporate much bigger charts as an option.
You must have been reading our minds, but look for more improvements to come in the weeks ahead.
All the best,
I agree with Naomi. I use 60 min charts a lot and without being able to get a high or low for a particular bar it is difficult to place a stop. I notice some futures like bonds do have it though so hopefully it will come. Another thing I noticed is that the MACD is much harder to see. I think it's because it's not normalized to the max and min and as a result it is not as clear as in the old system.
Thanks for all your efforts.
Hi, Adam,
I love the new charts, but I miss the readings I could get just by placing the cursor on the chart for a particular day. I could use those more accurate numbers to figure out where to place stops. I also dislike that the Fibonacci readings are too often obscured to get accurate price points. The numbers seem to overlap, making them very hard to read. I hope you will be addressing those two issues. I very much like the on-chart and under-chart indicators and the little box with the various triangles and ratings.
Thanks again for all you do to educate and inform.
For my old eyes could you make the background of the top lines just black and white for a clearer picture?
Thanks very much Dave.
I am a newbie to the tradign world. I watched the videos and interested in the Finacci. Based on the Finacci method, at which percent we should place the order? 24%, 38%, 50%, or 61% ? Please explain.