This chart pattern continues to work

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

FR: Adam Hewison, President

RE: Trading patterns that work

We first previewed this simple yet powerful theory that most traders overlook and ignore seven weeks ago. In case you missed this video, I highly recommend that you take a few minutes and grasp the theory before watching our second video. In our second video we test the theory with two real world trading examples.

Here's the theory:

After you watch the theory, watch as we put this theory to work with two real world trading examples.

Here's the theory in the real-world:


Sent: 4/29, 11:03

Hi Adam, I just wanted to let you know in a few words, a big thank you, I have bought "JRCC" at your recommendation. I never been happier since finding your website.

This is what I have been looking for a long time. I still have a lot material to read and learn. I will write more later. Adam, thank you very much and regards Netty


It's all here, the theory, two real world examples, and the above email is proof that this concept works. Watch, learn and benefit from this powerful new trading video that most traders have overlooked.

Watch with our compliments. No registration required.

Adam Hewison

7 thoughts on “This chart pattern continues to work

  1. Rick,

    I bought JRCC on March 6th at $19.70, shortly after Adam discussed it. I ignored the weekly sell signal (which was triggered March 17th shortly after I bought it) and was down 25% by March 20.. I kept stock because the bottom triangle was still green (position trader). I am up $6.27 per share or 31% now.

    I don't use hard stops, I wait till the triangle turns red...sort of a mental stop I guess. So I'm glad ignored the sidelines signal because if I sold on 3/17 at $15.5 and then rebought in at $19.06 on 4/3 when the weekly triangle was signaled then I would only be up $2.27 per share total.

  2. Just to clarify my question... I'm inquiring about the parts of the 1st video in which Adam is drawing a trend-line and only using two points. I'm uncertain on how to determine the slope of the line, and where the second point should be.




    Thanks for your feedback. Most of the time when I'm creating trend lines I just look for the most visually easy points I can find. Always start the highest or lowest point you can find during the last with five or six months. Let's say we are looking to create an up trend line, we would start at the lowest low, and connect any obvious break in the marketplace. The idea is to connect a trend line to three points, this gives the line validity. The more points you connect the more powerful the trendline becomes.

    Hope this helps.

  3. When the curve looks like a Sin wave, how do you know the slope of the straight line you are drawing up and down.

    Mike, the trendline can be as sloping as you want it to be. In some cases a trendline can almost be vertical when a market has had a sharp run-up. I would pay more attention to connecting the pullbacks in an uptrend and getting three or more points to match.

  4. Hi,

    Just for you info, you latest "This chart Pattern Continue to Work" video
    is not working.


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