5 ways to knock it out of the park this week!!

The "90 Second Trading" Series
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2 thoughts on “5 ways to knock it out of the park this week!!

  1. Dear Adam,
    A very short note. I know this is not the place.
    But I have to go to Waterloo now, and I can not wait to express my happiness and big thank you.
    I just read your article about AAPL.
    this kind of educational article that I need.
    I follow a few stock that I do not know how to
    intreprete the charge.

    Adam thank very much

  2. I have been trading teh June contract of Natural Gas and was doing very nicely until today. My stop was at the lowest point of the last 3 trading days. Was there any way of seeing the fall that has happened today and have I missed something. By the way I have not lost money as my stop prevented this

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