Help us, help you, with more focused content

We have just posted a new poll that asks, "what are you most interested in." We want to know what you would like to see us deliver more of. The poll is based on what you trade or are interested in trading in.

It could be stocks, future, precious metals or ETFs?

Let us know with your vote. It will help us deliver the kind of information and content that is important to you.

Take a look at the poll in the right hand column and make a choice. It only takes a second to select the market that most closely interests you.

Vote now and help us be better for you.

Many thanks,

Adam Hewison

5 thoughts on “Help us, help you, with more focused content

  1. In trade triangles, if you can highlight inflection points as they happen (rather than pile all together) for key commodities like oil, gas, gold and stock indices, would be great.

  2. I am a new member of MarketClub and have enjoyed the service thus far. One issue I have is that when I go to get the data for a chart (particularly Spot Gold or Spot Silver, if the chart is set to 1 minute data, it will return an error and not get the data (only occasionally will it get the data at this resolution). If set to 5 minute data, it will get the data almost every time (occasionally it will return an error at this resolution). It would be very nice to be able to get the 1 minute data without error.


  3. i would like to see some call or putt reconmenation from market club because your the only people i can trust'


    I will being this up as a suggestion for Adam. I know that his expertise is not in options, but hopefully he will be able to work this into a future Traders Whiteboard or video lesson.


    Lindsay Thompson
    Director of New Business Development

  4. Hi, I just join the club, trying it out, I think It would be nice if we get trangle alerts for the stocks that we have positions in via email or sms on cell phone, for those of us that are not looking at the market all the time, that way it would be easier to know when to exit or enter a trade. thanks.


    I appreciate the suggestion. We have plans of incorporating customizable alerts for customers. It is in the works and although we do not have an ETA, we have taken this suggestion to our technical team and they will be working on it.

    Please let us know if you have anymore suggestions. I am more than happy to help in any way.


    Lindsay Thompson
    Director of New Business Development

  5. Your poll is not good. It only allows one choice. I trade 5 of the 6 choices. I suggest you do not use radio buttons and change to check boxes for multiple selections.\


    Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I will change the poll title to say, "Which do you most like to trade?" I think that was Adam's original intention. Again I appreciate the feedback and please do not hesitate to bring minor problems like this to my direct attention.


    Lindsay Thompson
    Director of New Business Development

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